A poem

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It's late at night and what am I doing

Saying my last God damn goodbyes to everything

Not that anyone will care when I'm gone

Hey when I say that don't take it the wrong way you know it's true

They let me do things that I never know I would do

I'm only a kid but hey I can still dream
And my dream is to be gone for this place

Don't take it the wrong way but this place is a paper town

The trees are fake

The house are fake

The people are fake

Our life's are fake

It's all just a fairytale

Written in sadness and hurt

But not anymore I'm done with all this shit

I'm done with everything

The crying

The lying

The people telling me what to do and what to think and how to act

But most of all I'm done with you

Your the one that has driven me to this

Your the one that has made me do things I didn't want to do

You are me but your just my demon

You are one of my worsts dreams and I don't plan on going back

I've played your game but I'm done with that

This is my last hour

This is my last goodbye

This is my last smile

This is my last tear

This is my last wish

Because baby I'm just a walking death wish


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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