A poem

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Pain pain go away I can't live if you stay

Pain pain what's your game are you just here to make my life a living hell

Pain pain why did you stay I ask you to go away

Pain pain I thought you were a thing of that past

Pain pain are you my futures task

Pain pain why go away then come right back again

Pain pain I can't live another day with you

Pain pain you have fanliy won

Pain pain how does a pain killer sound how may do I need to take

Pain pain I can't stay here anymore

Pain pain never more never more

Pain pain I'll let the demons out if you promise that you will go away

Pain pain I know I'm not the first to say this but give up on me already

Pain pain taste my blade

Pain pain how does my blood feel on your skin

Pain pain I'm here to say have a nice day

Pain pain I know I'll cut you away

Pain pain you have painted me crimson

Pain pain you have broken down my walls

Pain pain you feel like a thorn that I can't take out

Pain pain cutting didn't work so may some pills will

Pain pain I'm here to say my goodbyes

Pain pain your gone now and I some how feel lost in side

Pain pain please come back I need you to feel alive

Pain pain I was selfish I didn't mean it I need you

Pain pain you have given me so much pain but I need you before I go insane

Pain pain I hear that their are going to take my away today

Pain pain your back now I can take that long lasting nap

Pain pain we are one in the same

Pain pain your are apart of my live

Pain pain I wouldn't wanted it any other way


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