Classification potion

Start from the beginning

"Harry Potter" The hat called out, Autumn helped harry stand and guided him up to the stool where the hat was placed on his head. He felt a surge of magic rush through his brain which made him feel all fuzzy as the hat started talking to him in his mind! "Interesting... Very interesting... Brave, yes... Intelligence, plenty... Loyal, undoubtably... Ambitious, plentiful... But where to put you... I see a future for you in Gryffindor, you would do well but... you have pride and intelligence and a cunning frame of mind... Tricky, very tricky, must be...


He jumped off the stool and hurried back to sit down and watched as the others were sorted, Neville was sorted into Gryffindor along with Susan Bones. Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang were sorted into Ravenclaw, Hannah Abbott in Hufflepuff and Harry was the only little in Slytherin. The other students were taken from the room to their dormitories as Madame Pomefery walked to stand in front of the littles and the Little dorm carers and explained how they were to be given their supplies and taken back to settle in to their dorms and have an early night.

"Headspace is where you can either settle in being little or big, you will need to develop a healthy routine between the two as to not over work yourself to the point of exhaustion. Little's have their own quarters, their own classes and assigned staff. You may attend usual classes if you are in a big enough headspace as long as you bring your assigned carer with you. Now, we shall gather the things you will each need and then you will be shown your rooms and given a tour of the Little quarters."

They all followed Madame Pomefery into the store cupboard and their carers were given tote bags with their names on as they picked supplies off the shelf. Harry watched on and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he saw what filled the shelves, first he was asked to pick out a blanket. He settled on a soft fluffy blue one, then he was asked to pick out two pacifiers, a water bottle and sippy cup, two sleepers and vests which had poppers along the bottom, a teddy, Harry chose a large fluffy monkey because it made him smile to himself and he couldn't help but let out a little giggle as he buried his face up into the monkeys chest, then the carers were handed a pack of diapers and pull-ups and bottles, depending on the age their little headspace would be determined if these were all necessary.

Harry walked up to the Little quarters holding Autumns hand on one side and clutching monkey in the other they walked into the main living space, a large room with dark blue carpets, bean bags in yellow and baby blue. A table with chairs and high chairs sat in the far corner beside what seemed to be a kitchen counter where the little's would line up to collect their food, the far left corner was padded with sleeping mats and blankets, soft cushions and story books. In the middle of the room, to the right, a couch sat in front of a guarded fire and a low table covered with crayons and paints and all sorts of craft activities surrounded by small colourful plastic chairs was right behind taking up the centre of the room.

The room was so happy and colourful, a little in front of harry (Neville) stumbled and let out a little cry as he handed on his bottom on the floor. "Oh dear, little one, what's wrong?" The young woman with curly brown hair knelt down besides Neville and cupped his chin looking into his eyes. "Have you fallen into headspace?" Neville looked up confused at the woman in front of him and let out a soft whimper nodding his head. "Its okay. My my, you are a little one aren't you? Samuel." She looked over to the male who was appointed head of the Little's department. "We have a little baby boy over here it seems."

"Hello baby, you okay?" Samuel crouched down in front of Neville also "why don't you go with Daisy here and get you settled and changed into something more comfy, alright? You can finish the tour later in big headspace." Neville shook his head and tried to stand, failing and falling back down again and letting out a loud cry in frustration. "Oh Nevvie, its okay, many people fall into headspace seeing this room, your allowed to be little though, Daisy will look after you."

After Daisy took Neville into the 'changing room' they were shown the rest of the little's quarters. On the left in the centre of the wall was a small spiral staircase which led up to two classrooms. Both with three rows of desks, a chalkboard and a teachers desk.

To the left of the spiral staircase was a door that led to the Carers rooms, only the adults were aloud in there. To the right of the staircase was a door that led to a small corridor of rooms, each with two beds, they all looked slightly more like cribs, with raised sides and a gap at the bottom of where you could hop into and out of bed, luckily they were only raised a few centimetres off the floor so being this little they could get into and out of bed on their own.

There was a bathroom attached to each bedroom with a bath, shower, low sink, changing table and a locked medical cabinet. Harry and Neville were sharing a room, Hannah and Susan shared a room as did Luna and Cho.

By the time the tour was finished, they all settled down for the evening and Harry started to feel tired yawning and stretching out, today had been a big day.


Next chapter will be focused a lot more around Harry's POV with more focus on his thoughts, feelings and interactions, this chapter was to really introduce you to the environment.

Comments and votes would be AWESOME!

See you in a few hours for chapter2!

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