Lucielle fawned over June before frowning when she noticed he wasn't responding. "Riley why isn't he responding?" Riley sat up from the chair and pulled the hearing aid box out of his pocket before adjusting them.

"He's blind, and deaf I forgot to put his hearing aids on." Riley said as he adjusted them for the little boy. June let out small sounds as he could hear himself before he started to squirm.

"Mik." June grumbled out as he tried to reach out for his cup. Lucielle carried him into the kitchen as Riley made him a cup of milk. The boy settled once he had his milk and Lucielle started fussing over him again.

"Oh we should have a baby shower!" Lucielle said after she sat June in his high chair. "June is three and Caleb is fourteen." Riley said confused as he tried to steal a piece of bacon. His mother smacked his hand before setting the bacon on the table.

"I know, but it would give them a chance to meet the family and you know the family likes to spoil the new kids so they would get tons of gifts!" Lucielle paused for a minute thinking before gasping.

"We could just make it a welcome to the family thing, that way we can introduce Elias too!" She grabbed her phone to make plans before Riley stopped her.

"How about we talk with everyone first and come back to this mama." Riley said softly not wanting to anger her. The woman nodded putting her phone away. "Get the orange juice from the fridge and water. I'm gonna call everyone in." Lucielle said as she turned the oven off after getting her last dish out.


Everyone sat around the living room stuffed. Lucielle made them eat at least two plates a piece and filled them up. "I love your mom." Alexi said as he sat with Elias in his lap. Elais looked at him and he smiled. "I love your cooking too babe." Elias rolled his eyes and sat back. He had to admit he was no match for Lucielle.

June sat on the floor playing with sensory toys. The twins, much to their grandfathers disappointment, sat playing tablets. Caleb was sitting by Axel who was telling him stories about Italy and Italian history.

Lucielle walked into with a tea tray and water sitting them down on the table. She had a sippy cup filled with some warm red liquid that she gave to June. The boy drank slowly at first before he started to gulp down the drink.

She gave the twins cups of the drink and they hurriedly grabbed it. She then walked over to Caleb handing him a cup. The boy thanked her and slowly sipped the drink before his eyes widened and he drank it happily.

Making her way to Elias she gave him a cup. He thanked her and drank it slowly his eyes going wide as he stared in the cup wondering what the substance was. He kept drinking until he was finished. The room filled with small chatter then yawning.

June was the first to fall asleep. He pulled at his hearing aids as he laid down wanting to sleep. Jestion picked him up and took him upstairs to nap. Next were the twins who slowly fell asleep tablets still blasting loud music.

Lorenzo carried them up as Riley followed with Caleb who was mumbling about italian dinosaurs. Elias yawned as he tried to fight his sleep. He nodded as Alexi talked to him about there next date. Alexi stood up and carried him upstairs when he fell asleep.

Luciell sat next to her husband sipping tea. "You gave them your cider didn't you?" Heather said as she settled next to Lorenzo who sat back down. Jestion and Riley came back down. "Alexi is staying with Elias we'll fill him in later." Riley said as he sat down pulling Jestion with him.

"So are you gonna tell us why you both came a week earlier?" Bradley questioned as he sipped on tea. Lucielle looked at Axel who started fumbling through his papers.

"We got this note, and we knew we had to come as soon as possible." Lucielle said as Axel sat a letter on the table.

Jestion picked up the letter first since he was the closest and read it out loud.

Get to your kids quick, DANGEROUS times are approaching them they need you. Marriage is a joyus occasion especially marriage with a PEREZ child. Jestion or Elias who will go first? Jestion's so strong, and Elias is too kind. Fret not, they'll be fine ONE will be chosen.

Jestion stared at the note as he tried to recognize the handwriting. It was hard to read and was filled with jumbled-up words. He sat the note down and back onto the table. Lorenzo picked it up looking at the note filled with nonsense.

Jestions hands tightened around Riley's as he tried not to let the note get to him. He could feel his head slowly drifting as sleep fought at him. He silently fell asleep next to his husband tears welling up in his eyes.

Bradley soon followed then lastly Heather. Lucielle looked at the sleeping three then sat down the teacups they were holding. "They still fall for it even after as these years." Lucielle let out a small sigh as she put the tea away and poured herself more water.

"Now get your head straight boys, I know Jestion was kidnapped and that you tried to hide it from us. We've already upped the security in this town and we're working on tracing the note back." Axel said as he looked around the room.

"After dinner, all of us along with Alexi will be going to the base I had set up. You three haven't been on your A game I was able to get up to the house and knock on the door with no problem. Remember safety is a false feeling in this life." Axel said roughly as he glared at the three of them.

"Be ready, we're training hard tonight then we'll talk about that note. It's your job to keep your family safe, don't let me catch you slacking off." Axel finished before he leaned back and sighed. Lucielle rubbed his shoulders before turning to her son.

"Your fiance and his brother are being threatened again my love, keep them safe." Lucielle said softly as she continued to comfort her husband.

Riley's knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping his fist. He looked at Lorenzo who nodded at him and then at Carl who did the same. He let himself relax slightly as he pulled Jestion closer to himself. This was going to be a long Christmas. 

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