Chapter 6 - Little Snitch

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Ruin's Perspective

Ruin was trying to get some of the Arcade machines working around Bonnie Bowling as they all just had glitched screens, and it was bugging Ruin a little.

Ughh.. Why won't these stupid Arcade machines work?! This is just getting a little bit irritating..

Suddenly, moments later, Sun and Moon approached Ruin.

"Ruin." Moon spoke up suddenly.

Ruin jumped a little from being startled by Moon's presence "Oh, Hello Moon! Y-You startled me.." Ruin replied to Moon.

"We want to talk, if you're alright with that" Sun added.

Ruin hesitated for a moment, as he had no idea what they wanted to possibly talk about "Uhm, S-Sure! Go ahead and say whatever you need to say.." Ruin answered with a small nod.

"Why.. did you kiss Solar.." Moon straight up got to the point.

Oh dear god.. he knows about this now? That better not have been Lunar telling Sun and Moon about it.. ohh no.

"..I-I.. uhmm.." Ruin muttered nervously as now the two probably closest relatives to Solar now knows what happened between Ruin himself and Solar.

"Listen.. I'm not exactly mad. I'm just curious on why this happened all so suddenly." Moon spoke up, trying to remain calm in this situation but he didn't seem too mad about it. It's just the fact that Moon still didn't trust Ruin fully, he wasn't sure if he was going to hurt Moon himself or anyone else in his family or anyone close with them.

"..W-Well.. uhm.. it was just.. in the moment?.. I-It wasn't exactly planned.." Ruin tried to come up with an excuse to try make Moon maybe seem less mad.

"I can tell that you're lying, I'm not that stupid. Listen, it's fine Ruin, it's just.. having bad trust issues with people from everything that has been going on present and past.. it's hard to trust people who have particularly been a pain in the past or don't seem trusting.. You aren't going to hurt Solar or any of us, are you?" Moon explained to Ruin, hoping he will understand.

"I.. I see your situation and the effects alongside it.. but I-I swear, I am not planning to hurt anyone.." Ruin replied, understanding clearly what Moon had said and why he wouldn't really trust anyone or would struggle to build up trust with someone.

"..Do you like Solar?" Moon decided to ask Ruin out of curiosity.

That question completely caught Ruin off guard, he didn't know how to answer it incase maybe Moon got angry if he told him the truth.

"I... M-Maybe.." Ruin replied in a low nervous tone, the awkwardness hitting him as he thought Moon would get really angry at him.

"..And you are that is our cousin, and why we would ask, right?" Moon added.

Ruin nodded a little "I-I'm aware... I may like your cousin.."

(I forgot to just say I consider Solar as a cousin to Sun, Moon, Lunar, and Earth. I'm not sure exactly if that's how the family tree is working rn but I'm just gonna keep it as Solar is like the cousin.)

"Thank you for being honest.. But just one thing, don't hurt Solar if you are wanting to be any closer with him or anyone else. We have went through enough and we are trying our best to keep things atleast decent, and trying to get rid of Eclipse mainly. Please be careful with Solar, he's been through his own kind of stuff aswell." Moon stated to Ruin, with a small slight smile at his first words he spoke.

"I understand.. but just one question.. who uhm.. who told you two about whenever I kissed Solar?.." Ruin asked, genuinely curious but he had a feeling he knew who told them.

"Oh, Lunar did." Sun answered Ruin.

Ruin sighs "Yep.. kind of guessed it already.." Ruin muttered to himself.

"Anyways, that's all we wanted to talk about. Just be careful and don't hurt anyone." Moon said finally.

"Mhm.. see you guys.." Ruin nodded a little at the two.

"Bye, Ruin." Both Sun and Moon replied to Ruin and Sun slightly waved at Ruin before the two of them walked away from the area to supposedly go back to the daycare, Ruin was by himself now, just standing there.

Lunar that little snitch..
..Well, that didn't go as bad as expected.. I'm surprised they didn't get really mad at me for.. liking Solar.. I hope they aren't too annoyed though.. their situation is quite something right now, so I'd understand the whole trust thing... they don't currently trust me as much...

I hope everything will end up alright in the end..


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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