Chapter 3 - Talk about Feelings

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Solar's Perspective

Solar was on the computer in the daycare, just checking up on some things.

Hm.. I wonder what Ruin is currently doing after he charged.. why am I even asking myself? What am I even thinking about him?.. Ugh, I feel that I can't even have him off of my mind for one damn day..

Solar was now thinking deeply about how he feels about Ruin.

What if I just.. talk to someone about it?..  No, I might get judged for it.. but.. what about Earth?.. She doesn't judge people.. she's like a therapist.. I can talk to her.

Solar got away from the computer and now began to walk towards Earth and Lunar's room, now entering.

"..Earth? You in here?" Solar called out as he walked in.

Earth notices Solar, and her face lit up a little bit.

"Oh, Hi Solar! Do you need something?" Earth replied with a happy tone.

"Can I uh.. talk.. about something with you.. cause I feel you are the only sensible person I can talk to about this certain thing.." Solar asked Earth, rubbing the back of his head a little bit.

"Of Course, Solar.. What is it you'd like to talk about?" Earth asks sweetly.

Solar hesitated for a moment on what he was about to say, but he spoke anyways.
"It's.. about Ruin." Solar said.

"Oh, Well, What is it you'd like to talk about them?" Earth questions again, curious about what Solar had to say.

"Something doesn't.. feel right.. when I'm around him. I always feel this sort of way like.. I get small butterflies in my stomach.. and I feel my face get kind of warm.. and I feel that I can't say no to him.. and I feel my chest pounding fast when he is around me... What's going on?" Solar explained to Earth about what he's like around Ruin.

Earth looks at Solar for a moment, and with a gentle smile, "Oh Solar.. I don't think you've realised yourself much.. you love him.. your brain hasn't realised, but your heart has." Earth answered Solar, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Solar froze for a moment.. was he really in love with Ruin?

"I.. that can't be though.. I-I shouldn't feel like that, he might be a Villain!.. He.. I can't feel like that for someone who might be against us..." Solar stated, he was confused even by himself and he felt down about this whole thing.

"Solar.. it's okay.. and besides, there might be a chance he's still good.. don't lose hope so easily. I support you. You can love who you want to love." Earth added with a caring tone, genuinely wanting to keep Solar's hopes up and help him.

"..Okay.. Thank you, Earth.." Solar thanked Earth, then slightly smiling up at Earth.

Earth hugged Solar as a way of reassurance and comfort, to let him know she is there to support him.

"Thank you.. I'm going to go now if you don't mind.." Solar told Earth.

"I don't mind at all, go ahead and have a nice day, Solar!" Earth replied to Solar and nodded lightly.

Solar then began to walk away.

Well.. That felt nice to talk to someone about it.. but it just.. still feels so wrong.. do I hate him, or do I love him?.. I'm so confused right now..

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