Freedom to Fly

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Based on the part where Cassian loses his wings. (Because I defintely didn't cry about that...) Forgive me....I just wanted to write this. No Cassian x Rhysand btw guys. Not in this fic. But fi you want it, I'll write it. 

Cassian P.O.V:

Pain. It was all I could feel. a sharp senseless, never ending, no beginning. and then the rush of reality as it sunk into the spots on my back....They were gone. My wings were gone. 

The whimper that tore out of my throat made me wish I were dead. Because anything, anything would be easier than losing it, losing them. The world whirled around me in color and shades, faces I didn't recognize. Please, I willed. Please, let it be a dream. But it didn't help. I could feel Azriel's body beneath mine, in my attempt to shield him, I had blown apart the one part of me that was actually worth something. 

And now, I was just....Cassian. 

Worth nothing. No one would ever see me the same way..I shoved those thoughts away, no I didn't. Something else did, and as I felt the gentle arms enclosing my mind, almost like a hug, I knew who it was. Rhysand. I felt myself relax slowly, craving the warmth of his embrace. And I fell into the clutches of unconsciousness.

When I finally woke up, in was in the court of my dreams. The one I had been told I would never return to, if only in a box of my own carved up remains. Rhysand held me with infinite tenderness, and his eyes, they cried. His tears dripped slowly onto my face, and I noticed that everyone was here. Everyone but Feyre, his mate. 

The hope of him crying over me disappeared within my own chest. Had I not been so selfish, I might have been able to protect her. Prove myself. But I was nothing. Again, Rhysand's presence in my mind shoved those thoughts away. 

"You are enough." He said roughly. And I sighed. "I am...enough." The words felt odd on my tongue. I had never heard them before. Trained in an Illyrian camp where all I was taught was that I would never be enough. And I realized, that I wasn't the only one who had scars. We all did. But I never realized how much the words fo my predescors and 'teachers' had affected me. 

"Say it again.." I begged, Rhys gave me a crooked look. "You're enough." I smiled contentedly. and sank into the throngs of death. And I faded from that world, I grew new wings, contrary from my black ones. They were white, spreading to the far corners of the earth. And I could fly. 

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