An Unexpected Invitation

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The morning sun cast a warm glow across the hallway as I followed Izzy, my younger sister, who was eagerly running ahead. 

"Come on, Y/n! Hurry up or we're gonna be late!" she called, her excitement palpable. I couldn't fathom what had her so worked up; after all, our training wasn't set to begin for another hour.

I rolled my eyes at Izzy's enthusiasm, not bothering to pick up the pace. As she jogged in place, I took a moment to gather my wavy, blonde hair into a loose ponytail, securing it with a hairband. I then tucked a few rebellious baby hairs behind my ears. 

"What's the rush, Izzy?" I asked, a teasing smile playing on my lips. "Training doesn't start for another hour." I wondered if her morning rush had anything to do with her determination to make her way on the top ten list. Her rivalry with Mikasa and Annie was endless, and it was fun to watch for awhile, but it started getting on my nerves at the point where all she could think and talk about was figuring out the way to beat them. Maybe she just came up with another crazy idea which included me being a punching bag. 

As we made our way through the hallway, we unexpectedly bumped into Izzy's friends, Eren and Armin, and Eren seemed just as rushed. His sudden appearance startled me, and I jumped, exclaiming, "Dear God, Eren! Where the hell did you come from?"

Eren quickly apologised, acknowledging the surprise. Izzy, excitedly sharing the rumour about the Special Operation Squad visiting the Training Corps today, jogged in place with Eren. Meanwhile, Armin joined me in walking instead of jogging. Confused, I questioned, "What's going on? Why the hurry?"

Eren, with a mischievous grin, responded, "Haven't you heard, Y/n?" Izzy formed a smile beneath her shiny, auburn locks, like she was about to hear this rumour for the first time again.  "Special Operation Squad is rumoured to be visiting the Training Corps today."

"Yes. So what?" I replied, unamused.

Izzy and Eren halted in surprise, and Izzy exclaimed, "They are the most elite squad in the Scout regiment!" I, still unamused, repeated, "I know. So?"

Eren and Izzy exchanged a look, and Izzy explained, "So this is our chance to see them up close and possibly get noticed by them." 

I searched for a hint of a joke in her eyes but realised she was dead serious. I sarcastically raised my fist and said, "Alright then. Let's go and meet some elite soldiers and join their squad directly from the Training Corps. There's nothing wrong with that plan."

Izzy made a pouty face and took Eren's hand, saying, "Come on, Eren. My nerd sister just doesn't get it," as they started moving toward the door. Armin and I continued walking at our normal pace, and I murmured, "No, the problem is that your sister has more than half of her brain functioning." Armin chuckled, and we exited the hallway together.

The front yard teemed with eager trainees, their anticipation palpable as they awaited the arrival of the Special Operation Squad. Spotting Eren and Izzy near a large tree, I gestured for Armin to join them. "This way, Armin. I see them next to that big tree on the left."

As Armin and I were approaching the spot where Eren and Izzy were standing, the large gate started opening. The crowd fell silent, collectively holding their breaths. Raising an eyebrow, I remarked, "Are you kidding me? Are these kids really this excited to see a handful of soldiers?"

Armin shrugged, "These trainees are the ones who want to join the Scout regiment. Each of them has a clear goal in mind—to become a part of Squad Levi."

Nodding, I responded, "I figured. But do they honestly believe there is a chance for them to be picked for an elite squad right out of the Training Corps?" I ran my hand through my ponytail as we approached Eren and Izzy.

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