Chapter One. Write me in Naboo.

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Chapter One.

"Write me in Naboo."

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." There is more to this story than you think. More to the lives of these Jedi than you think. Five Padawans, raised together, taught together, and bound together. This is their story.

The sounds of the Jedi temple's cafeteria pounded against Saveé Corrén's ears as she walked through the crowds until she saw her best friend. Anakin waved at her as she ran and sat down.

"So did you hear back from the council about your mission?" She asked him eagerly,

"Yes, they want me and Obi-Wan to go." She smiled,

"That's great! When do you leave?"

"Wow someone's happy to boot me out of here!"

"Anakin it's not like that and you know it you dork!"

"I leave next week."

"You better write me and stay out of trouble."


"Anakin Skywalker! You hardly ever write me!"

"I do too! What about Mawan?"



"Ok that one yes."

"But when you go to my home planet, I expect a postcard!"

"I will, I will geez!"

"You better! You son of a bantha!" She said as they laughed,

"You know, since I'm going to Naboo, I can arrange for you to get to meet the queen."

"Oh, I already have Anakin."

"Really? What was she like?"

"Why do you care so much about Padmé?" She asked jokingly,

"For the mission obviously. I want to know who I am protecting."

"Right, well we grew up as best friends. The last time I had seen her was right before I came here. When I rode back here on the ship with you and Obi-Wan. She was carefree and kind, a free spirit but very hardheaded, almost as bad as me, the girl has an iron will. She's very passionate about anything and everything she does. She is funny and very confident. I miss her, but you know she writes me still!" He laughed,

"I swear on the Force I will write you a postcard!" He said with a laugh. She was sad. She knew he would fall in love with Padmé. They always did. Clovis did, Palo did, and several of the boys that Saveé managed to take out, they'd see Padmé and *poof* they were gone. Yes, they were young, only twelve or so at the most, but it still hurt. Stupid gifts and love-letters. It wasn't as if Saveé was ugly oh quite the contrary, she was just as beautiful as Padmé, but at the time, she was shorter. MUCH shorter. But now, she didn't want to lose her best friend. Anakin was her closest companion in all the galaxy. He was her rock, her confidant. Her brother, and she was so sure he would fall for Padmé. Sure, love was forbidden, but goodness it was common. Four Padawans already this semester were caught and who knows how many others there were. She cleared her tray and went to her domicile; inside she picked up her lightsaber transmitter and tinkered with it. Her best friend may have been the best pilot in the galaxy, but it was a known fact that Saveé Corrén was the best saber smith in the galaxy. She replaced the grip on the bottom, she had two sets of grips for different things. One was for when combat was inevitable, but the other was for when combat was optional. It shimmered in the low light of her domicile, and she polished it some more. On a whim she had an idea. She attached a blue tassel to the bottom. She reached through the Force and stood the strands upright as she admired her work. She ignited the saber and spun it around a couple times feeling the grip with her eyes closed. The cyan blade spun through the air making a beautiful circle of light. Her transmitter was silver with a modified extra grippable hilt that sported black lines down its sides. She turned it in the light of the night and admired it, she heard the door slide open, followed by Obi-Wan's voice,

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