Chapter 103: Retrieve Caesar

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"Look after the Sunny!" Luffy shouted back.

(Y/N) quickly run to the Shark Submerge, following Luffy and Chopper. The three hopped in, (Y/N) sat in the driver's seat with Chopper on her lap. She looked back when she was Law climb in after. "What are you doing here?!"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going." Law irritatedly replied. "Now just shut it and drive this thing."

(Y/N) scoffed, looking down at the small reindeer in her lap. "Chopper?"

"On it!" Chopper quickly started up the submarine as the large gate opened up, letting them take off into the ocean.

Law stared at Chopper in shock. "You're letting him operate?"

"Oh would you shut up and sit down?!" (Y/N) snapped back before pointing down at Chopper. "This young deer knows more about this thing than I do, so I'll happily let him drive."

"Thank you, (Y/N)." Chopper nodded, glaring back at Law for a few seconds before going back to driving. Only a minute passed before the group had eyes on the sea-rabbit. Chopper spoke up again. "Hm. Found 'em!"

"Let's step on it, Chopper!" Luffy shouted, staring at the creatures in front of them.

"Luffy." Chopper spoke up again. "Don't you think those guys look like Lapins?"

"Like who?" Luffy questioned, looking over at Chopper.

"You know, those big rabbits that you saw on Drum Island, where I come from." Chopper quickly explained.

"Mmm..." Luffy thought for a few moments.

As Luffy pondered, (Y/N) looked down at Chopper. "You're from Drum Island? No wonder you're so accustomed to the cold."

"Yeah. You've been there?" Chopper questioned up to (Y/N).

"Only once. A bounty tried to escape from me on that island. I quickly left after since it was run by some tyrant." (Y/N) placed her hand on her chin in thought. "Come to think of it, I think I saw some large rabbits there too."

"Oh yeah!" Luffy spoke up again, smiling at Chopper and (Y/N). "You mean the bear rabbit guys, right?"

Chopper nodded. "Those Lapins looked different from these, and they didn't swim, but..."

"I think they're Sea Lapins." Law spoke up from behind the three.

(Y/N) wore a bored expression, turning to Law. "Oh, I forgot you were here." A vein of anger popped on Law's cheek as (Y/N) evilly snickered back at him.

Chopper turned to Law in confusion. "Huh? How do you know?"

Law's face relaxed as he looked back at Chopper. "I saw some of them once when I was sailing across the North Blue, but Sea Lapins aren't normally found here in the New World. Was that why you came down with us, Raccoon?"

"Hm..." Chopper thought for a few seconds before screaming at Law. "Hey! Who are you calling 'Raccoon'?!" He jumped up on (Y/N)'s lap, still screaming. "I'm a reindeer, jerk! How would you like it if I said you were a big ugly rat that eats garbage?" Luffy busted out laughing, clutching his stomach making Chopper turn his anger to him. "What's so funny, Luffy? Quit laughing!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Luffy spoke through his laughter.

(Y/N) placed her hand on Chopper's head. She had a closed eyed, tired expression on her face. "I understand your anger, but your hooves are poking my thighs. Could you please sit down...?"

"Oh. Yeah, sorry." Chopper plopped back down on (Y/N)'s lap, letting her sigh in relief. She noticed Chopper looking down in thought for a few seconds before he spoke again. "That is why I came down, but it wasn't the only reason. Guys, one of them didn't want to fight us. He told me so!"

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