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     Ethan stood in the darken alley holding a man in tactical gear by the collar. The man, an adult, was struggling to get free from the invisible force that bound his hands, feet, and mouth. Ethan knew that ultimately; the man was not going to win and die here in the alley.

     "I am never going back," Ethan growled.

     He then opened his mouth at the man and black, smoky tentacles began to slither out. The man could not see them, all he could see was Ethan's eye turning black with silver irises and his mouth opening far wider than it should and filled with sharp fangs. The man whimpered in fear and agony knowing what was about to come.

     Once the man's body went limp and lifeless, Ethan tossed the body to the side and stripped him of his clothes and things that would be necessary. No, he would not be going back to the Institute, to the horrible doctors, forced to fight, forced to do things, unthinkable things. His fate was changed that night and was blessed with his freedom. Now, he would do anything to keep from going back and if there were others fortunate enough to escape, he would help them. 

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Ethan Cain: Ending TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now