Chapter 2

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"Alright everyone, I'll see you next week. I expect your business plans to be done by then. Remember, you must have a mission statement." Professor Bouvier reminded us as we headed out the classroom.

"Hey Bonnie!" I heard someone yell out my name from behind me.

As I turned around, I saw Theo, one of my classmates catching up to me as I continued to walk.

"Hey Theo."

"Hey, need help with those books?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, I've got them thanks."

"This business plan man... shit is brutal am I right?" he asked.

I smiled as a response. Theo was a good-looking man, one of those light skinned pretty boys and I knew he had a thing for me, but I wasn't interested. Not just in him, but in dating the whole male species in general. Chalk it up to one horrible relationship years ago. Same old tale; woman falls in love with man, man turns out to be a little boy with anger issues, woman flees for her life. After that, I guess you could say it soured me on male relationships altogether. I embraced my singleness. My mind was fixed on getting my MBA and getting the hell out of Richmond.

"If you ever need any kind of help... maybe we could work together. Help each other out."

"I'm actually finished with mine; I just have to do some light editing."

"Of course, you are." He said with a smile. "I expected no less. Did you hear about the trip?"


"Yeah, a group of us are going to Myrtle Beach after graduation. Hannah's parents rent a beach house there, lots of room. You should come."

I nodded. "I'll think about it."

"That means no Theo." I turned around to see my best friend, Vicki staring at me with a teasing grin.

Vicki had a slim hourglass figure and flawless skin with a peaches and cream complexion. She had lush, sunrise golden hair that pooled down her back in never ending soft curls that hugged her moon shape face perfectly. She had finespun eyelashes that coveted her dewy mist valley-green eyes. She had an elegant nose and heart shape strawberry lips. She wore voguish clothes in an offbeat kind of way. Her winning disposition was why she'd been voted Ms. Teen USA twice. She was drop dead gorgeous to say the least. She wasn't just beauty though, she had the brain of a scholar and the heart of an angel, the only sad thing was that no one saw her for the amazing person that she was— not even her and to a lesser extent, her own parents. To everyone else she was just a gorgeous blonde with money but to me she was the whole package.

Vicki and I ran in similar circles, our parents were people of means... very aristocratic. We met when we were children and hit it off right away due to having so much in common. The main thing being that we were both a disappointment to our fathers no matter what we did. We had a bond that was unbreakable, we were sisters and no amount of blood or racial slurs were going to tell us any different.

"I'll think about it means I'll think about it." I said.

"Sure it does." She said placing her arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry Theo, I'll get her to come around." She said winking at him which made him grin widely. "In any case, we just passed a brutal ass test to which I say shots are in order tonight."

"Sounds good to me." Theo said.

"I have a gig tonight." I reminded her.

"So, we'll drink there. It'll be fun and I'm not letting you weasel your way out of this one so just nod your head." She said.

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