"How did you do that?"Marlene asked,gaping.


"Seriously."Marlene said."How did you do that?"

"My siblings taught me."

"That.is.genius,"Hestia said,staring at the castle,gobsmacked.

"My turn,"Aanya said,twirling her wand in her fingers."Nygiutum Ator,"
The snow pile glowed red.

Marlene's eyes widened as the snow shaped into a huge,snow creature with arms the size of Hestia.Glimmering in the sunlight, it swung its arms around, and as Aanya laughed, the snow golem laughed.

It was positively terrifying.

"WHAT IS THAT THING, AANYA!" Hestia shrieked.
"I agree! What is that thing?!"Marlene said, aghast.

"That,my dears,"Aanya proclaimed,"Is a snow golem."

Lucia and Aanya high-fived each other.

"We're gonna win this,"

"And we still have 5 minutes left,"Lucia said,her grey eyes twinkling."Imagine how many more we could make,"

Meanwhile,the Teams of Remus and Lily had also decided to join forces.

They had come up with a strategic plan,completely oblivious to what was happening on the other side of the field.

"So when Remus and Peter attack them from in front,we go ambush them from behind."

"Wait,don't we have to carry the snowballs?And our hands will freeze!"Mary said."You won't even let us apply a warming charm!"

"No I've got bags,"Lily said,giving them a bag each."Stick in pairs and always have a snowball in your hands."

"Okay,mum,"Peter mumbled.

James and Sirius however,weren't faring as well as they liked.

"Why did Remus have to take our wands?"Sirius moaned.

"I don't know."

"Wait do you have a spare?"James asked.

"No,"Sirius complained."Mother said that I should take a spare,but I refused."

"Wait,"They both said in unison.


"We're doomed!"James cried.

"We're dead,"Sirius wailed."I'm so stupid,"

"That you are!"

"Shut up!"

"No you shut up!"

"Do you think we could team up with Remus?"


"Or maybe even Lily-flower?"

"Actually never mind."Sirius said.


"We have a minute left until we have to attack!"



The Snow-battle of 1971 started off with Lily's team attacking James and Sirius.

Both boys eventually had to surrender and become a team of 6 before finding Lucia's and Aanya's group,who they thought were in pairs still.

"What is that?Mary asked as she spotted the snow castle.

"I don't know,but I have a bad feeling about it,"Remus said,as the group kept creeping closer.

Meanwhile in the castle of snow,Hestia Jones was keeping watch for enemies.


"WHO?"Lucia yelled back.




All 4 girls met on the tower that Hestia was standing on.

"Let's do this!"Marlene breathed as she gazed at the incoming 6 enemies.

"GOLEMS!"Aanya yelled."ATTACK!"

Back to the 6 on the ground,who hadn't spotted the golems at all.

They were gathering snowballs when Remus heard dozens of stomps.

That was when Remus looked up.

And to say he was terrified was an understatement.

"Guys,"Remus said pointing a finger at the incoming golems."We!Attack!Now!"

"That isn't normal."Lily said."Unless they've used magic."

"Then we use magic too,"Mary said firmly.

"If they cheat,we cheat too,"

"Pass our wands out,Remus,"


A snowball had hit the middle of the group of 6.

And James looked up to incoming snowballs.


"Wh-"Sirius broke off,before he was hit by a snowball.

Remus passed the wand out quickly,but it was of no real use;first years couldn't use that many spells.

"DO SOMETHING!"Mary barked at Lily and Remus."YOUR SMART!THE PAIR OF YOU!"

"It's cold!"Peter screamed."It's so cold!"

"INCENDIO,"Sirius hollered.

Flames burst out of his wand and he pointed it at the golems.

Four wands flew out of the box,that Remus had kept them in,and into the castle.

"NOOOO!"Aanya's scream could be heard,"NOT MY GOLEMS!"

"TAKE YOUR WANDS."Lucia yelled.


By now 4 of the 6 had been able to light flames on their wands.

The 4 wands were pointed at the castle,which began to melt.

"ABANDON CASTLE!"Marlene yelled,as she jumped out,landing in soft snow.

Aanya and Hestia jumped out.

"I will avenge you castle!"Lucia hissed."And they will all pay,"

Hestia and Lucia conjured up many snow golems and urged them to attack.

Sirius,Remus,Mary,Lily and James were mercilessly melting them.

Aanya and Marlene broke of and ambushed the group of 6 from behind.

The golems started to use snowballs as Aanya and Marlene finally got to the group,effectively disguising them.

They started to shove snow down the 6 necks of their enemies.

James,Sirius and Remus were soon the only 3 who hadn't surrendered.

"Surrender you vile peasant,"Marlene cried,jabbing them with a stick.

"OWWW THAT HURTS!"Sirius cried and Marlene jabbed his shoulder.

"Stop being so dramatic!"Hestia scolded.

"I surrender,"Sirius cried.

"Brilliant,"Aanya said,"Now pelt the other two with snowballs,"

"I surrender,"said Remus quickly.

"You've lost,Potter!"Lucia said gleefully.

James grinned, as he threw snow at her face.

"Potter!"Aanya cried,horrified.

"Attack him,"

Snowballs were pelted at the boy and before long-

"Fine,"James said,after being pelted with at least 100 snowballs,"I surrender,"

"We won!"The four girls yelled,in glee.

"Only because you cheated!"

"Don't be such a sore loser,Sirius,"Aanya said,flicking snow at him.

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