Ride it

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After hearing my sinful møan, tae stopped his actions & looked at me with those dark siren eyes which were flashing eagerness.

I gasped and flinched when he dragged me down by my ankle at edge of the bed, I felt his left palm wrapping around my nape when my eyes were still closed.

My cheeks were melt in tae's warmth when he was moving his thumb slowly in circular motion

Tae: Eyes on me, mi amor
*still caressing

He whispered very calmly which didn't let me take a further sec for opening my eyes to meet his. My palm securely moved towards his brown locks while his eyes carried purity of love & spark when his gaze was only focused on me.

They were no words yet it was feeling like we were communicating our feelings through our eyes. It was all silent until I leaned pulling his collar very slightly to capture his honey paired lips, to which he responded with same love before holding my back & making sure that I was comfortable in my position.

We formed a perfect sync in which our lips were moving, I felt a tingling sensation on my waist when he squeezed a lil, that also made me open my mouth & the next sec tiger shove his tongue inside devouring very square inch. After a couple of mins, we lose our rhythm and finally break that sync. My face was in between tae's palms when he smiled widely against my lips just after parting away

Jk(in mind): GAWD!! I'm too shy *blushing* I just love the way he admire my lips & smiles against them everytime we part away after kissing.

Tae: I love it when your cheeks turn pinkish

He exclaimed with teasing smirk and then started to bop his nose upon my left cheek to which I responded hitting his chest playfully while blushing more when he was trying to nuzzle his face on my neck

Jk: Tae *playing with shirt's button* I wanna play a game with you

Tae: *confused look* Which game? I'm not going to play house with you, kookie

Jk: nobody is saying you to do that! *Pout* I'll blindfold you & then you've to guess food item after tasting

I sat up convincing him but he was just giving that look which always make me weak but still I protested further

Jk: please play with me, tiger
*booba eyes

I got closer and placed my hands on his shoulders making him look in my blackmailing eyes. He sighed before caressing my lower lips effortlessly

Tae: yes baby, but I would like to play it in my way. You serve yourself & I'll guess the body part--

*throwing pillows*

I kept throwing all the cushions repeatedly when he was giggling & trying to hide but I chased him to throw some more punches on his chest but as he got more strength he locked my both wrist & I had to squrim

Tae: Someone is angry or just trying not to blush infront of me? *Leans on his face

He is such a tease I swear! I rolled eyes denying the fact he just stated. My hands were locked behind my back & body was pressed against his

Tae: Ok don't sulk now *free his hands* but I was ✨In the mood ✨ baby.

Jk: When you doesn't be *said mockingly

Tae: Does that mean I got unromantic husband? *Triggered him in ear

Jk: unromantic? *scoff* you haven't seen yet and DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT

Tae: Oops *poke his tongue* was that triggering enough, sweetheart?

I gritted my teeth giving him a cold glare before I pull his collar harshly yet he didn't seem to flinch bc of the smirk which was pasted on his lips

Jk: Listen mr KIM TAEHYUNG *seducing tone* I'm not being romantic with you bc it's not that easy to get me SO *wrapped hands on neck* if you want to have a chance then work on my demands

I kept my point with all sass & then came to sit back on bed's edge meanwhile he also walk behind & sat on his knees

Tae: Whatever you say baby. I gotta use restroom after coming we'll play okie

My eyes closed in his lips warmness when he pecked on my forehead and then on neck before heading towards restroom

Jk: Why he's so sweet *in mind* I love you sooo much my taehyungiee

I whispered very slowly towards his direction & giggled feeling absolutely lucky to have him as my husband. I didn't waste further time to arrange some food items & I also dim the lights to make cozy atmosphere which I felt was quite dumb but who cares, I wanted some music in background so until I was checking the speaker I saw him coming back

Tae: Ahm all set? *checking out*

Jk: Yes *plays music* Come here

I made him sit on a chair and then I sat on his lap which seemed very satisfied by his face expression, his hands trailed on my thighs to come up on my waist but I grabbed them and locked behind the chair to tie them securely

Tae: Whyyyy *whinning*

Jk: Shss it's a part of game
*tightened knot*

Tae: But-- (Jk placed finger on his lips)

I got off from his lap saying that I need to change my top cuz it was itching but was that the actual reason?! hehehe yk-- I took my see through black shirt and started changing facing myself towards the mirror

Tae: Fuck it baby *uncontrolled*
This is just not done

I heard him cursing when I was almost done wearing my shirt which was completely exposing my skin & left shoulder cuz I left my first two buttons open. It also seemed as I wasn't wearing nothing underneath but I got my shorts. I turned back when the song

(𝙍𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙞𝙩 🎵)

It's been about a month and twenty days And we're goin' 'round and 'round playin' silly games Now you're sayin', "Slow it down, not right now" Then you wink at me and walk away


My jaw Just fell on ground when he turned back looking sexy till death, he was getting closer to me while doing those hot body moves which were on perfect sync with the song playing in bg.

Jk: Touching and teasing me, telling me no, But this time I need to feel you~ *sang teasingly

I just streched my back & got my thighs wider while giving him a quick look so that he can come back on his place where he actually belongs. He took the signal & sat

Jk: okay let's start now *took blindfold

Tae: Had fun teasing me? *Smirk upon his cheek* You look damn sexy doing that

Jk: Still my husband got alot of patience *tied a knot* I'm impressed *peck cheek

Tae: Just respecting your "Demands" my love. Otherwise *near earlobe* you & I both knows it was a piece of cake for me to undo my hands and strip your clothes


•Next update is going to be ahm ahm 🌝 be ready..

•Guys when I keep some target for cmts that time my motive was to interact with you'all 🙂

•Anyways I would appreciate if y'all vote and cmt your reviews on this chapter 💖 have a good day/night

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