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*gritt teeth*

Tae: OR WHAT? *pushed tongue inside cheek*

They reached Kim mansion in between their bickering moment and Jk was quick to get out from the car and stomp his feet outside.

Tae just smirked being successful in annoying jk, Jk already left & tae came after him

Jk wanted to see jungme so he headed in jin's room and saw her sleeping peacefully with a cute pout. After sometime Jk took shower bc he was tired & then he slept beside while admiring her.

Jk: My baby (pecks her carefully)


Jk's sleep gets disturbed by nocking sound coming from door, he lift himself without disturbing jungme's sleep nd goes to check. Before he could come near the door, he saw tae peeking from outside

Jk: Why you're here? *Yells a lil*

Tae run & came inside, covering Jk's mouth while looking at jungme who changed her position to other side

Tae: shuuu *whispers*
baby will wake up

Jk: *lower his voice*
what u doing here?

Tae: *bite bottom lip* I want something from you!

Jk gulped looking at tae's not so good expression and his six sense already said Jk to be alert

Jk: *avoiding eyecontact*
wha-t you mean--

Tae: you remember the elevator thing? (Walks closer & jk steps backwards)

Tae: Lights came at fu*king wrong time yk *clenched jaw* but nevermind still I'm here and
(pulled his waist) you're too

Jk: Tae-- *push his slightly* what are you talking, Just go from her
(looks at jungme)

Tae: I'm talking about ki$$, my love.

Jk widened eyes, first bcoz of "my love" then bcoz of his actions meanwhile tae gripped him more closer and there was no space left in between them.

Jk: are you being serious rn? *Appalled* leave me & go from here-- (squrims in his arms)

Tae: Firstly, u take this thought out from your head that I'll leave from here without getting my ki$$
(calmly caressing his lower lip)

Jk: Tae! Jungme will wake up anytime she has been sleeping from long time, Don't be stubborn *whispers furiously*

Tae just kept looking at jk's moving lips when he was talking, he nods in "no" with smirk as his response

Jk: please Tae--
(he thought maybe puppy eyes would work to convince him)

Tae: Don't be my weakness, love. I'm already regretting to leave the chance before so just let me do it this time.
He came near Jk's ear and exclaimed it in husky voice giving chills in his body

Jk: but jung-me--

Tae keeps finger on his lips leaning closer, he can clearly hear Jk breathing heavily while the atmosphere was completely pin drop silence.

He lifts Jk's chin softly making him look into his own eyes, Their bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as taekook's lips pressed together for the very first time.

Tae's hands trails all over jk's waist & Jk was feeling effortlessly comfortable by his touch and they hear jungme crying

Jk: I told you, I told you she'll wake up

(jk was blabbering in sleep & then he wakes up to the reality where jungme was really crying and tae wasn't there)

Jk: Was I dreaming?
(Looks at the corner where they both were having their ✨moment ✨)

Jk: shuss stop crying baby *picks her*

Jk literally jumped off the cliff feeling highly embarrassed nd shy bc taekook didn't kiss in real, it was just a dream sequence :)


I was walking in room carrying jungme so that she don't cry futher. And I heard someone knocking, this time it was a reality.

But I was scared asf bc what would I do if the dream came true and it would be tae who's the one knocking outside

Jk: Who's is it--? *Slutters*

Tae peeks inside and I immediately turned back


Why did he came here? No no no I won't let him come close to me and this time jungme is awake too.

Jk: I-i-can't give you anything! Just go from here (still looking back)

Tae: but I came here to give you--- *cut off*

Jk: WHATTT? you can't give me anything

How dare he think that he'll give me a kiss that also infront of jungme, NO WAY.

Tae: why can't I give you? And why you're looking back and talking with me *comes closer*

Jk: NO! Don't come here *runs* baby you don't Look at him, close your eyes

Tae has really gone mad and idk if jungme was enjoying bcoz she was chuckling when I said her not to look at tae

Tae: such a werido *confused* I just came to give you this carry bags which u forgot

I looked back & saw him keeping that carry bags which I forgot in his car only

Jk: ohh (once again I'm embarrassed) hehehe *awkward laugh* thank-you...


I need a doctor asap bc this man made me crazy. I looked at jungme who was giggling and now I got the reason:) why she was.

Tae: what u thought? *Raised his eyebrow*

Jk: hehe~ what will I think? Yo-u-- are very good person and umm-- thank you *bow*

God!! Just let me bury inside this ground. WHY THE HECK I BOWED?? AHHH!! embarrassment level is getting higher

Tae: it's odd to hear you talking this sweet

Jk: so go from here nah *rolled eyes*

Tae: came on track? *Gave a look*

Jk: There's the door *points with extra sweet smile*

Jungme: *giggling while keeping one hand on mouth*

Jk: You're having so much fun huh?

I looked at my shining star who has a priceless smile & atleast my
✌️embarrassing✌️ thing made her smile:)

••••𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓••••

Jk: raise your voice once again & then the next moment your jaw will be on floor

Tae: why sweetheart, are you gonna strip yourself for me?



Hey Dumplings! I hope y'all are doing well. I'm sorry for late update and I hope you had great time reading this chapter. I'm trying my best to update fast, do share your thoughts in cmts, I love to know your thoughts 💖

•Next part will be posted after completing 200+ cmt on this parts so I hope u'all complete this small target soon. so, that I can post soon

•Ignore grammatically mistakes
👍💗 Drop your comments, I would love to know your thoughts ✨

•Have a good day/night. See you in next chapter and tqsm 🫂❤️for reading....

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