Call me daddy?

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Tae: hmm sorry, should I take her for drive?

Jk: No, tae. Look at the time, it's very late so you just carry her and keep patting on her back. She'll sleep.

Tae: It's a task to manage small baby. Yk when she was hungry, jin hyung said to feed her milk and jin hyung also said that I should test before feeding so I thought *innocently* he said me to taste but when I was going to drink, he hit my head and said that he was talking about the temperature bc baby shouldn't drink extra hot milk

Jk: What-- u did were going to drink her milk *dying with laughter*

Tae: Why u laughing *huffed* What do Ik about this things

Jk: *still rolling on bed* My big baby is trying to handle his small baby, Awwww *chuckling*

Tae: Ofc, I have to. Her mumma already took promise from me so, yk *smrik* I may be rewarded in return too

Jk: *controlling his blush* Whatever prevert human! It's not a deal, alright? *Biting inner cheek

Tae: You liar! Once you come here then I'll show you, how to stick on your words

Jk: *devilishly* What if I wanted to stay here forever? *Teasing*

Tae: Then by tomorrow, I'll be there by your side to stay with you FOREVER *triggered*

Jk: I was-s just kidding *slutters* why you got serious, tiger?

Tae: Yaa yaa, you can just tease me from far my love

Jk: Okie, it's late now *escaping* I'll see you very veryyy soon. Good night

Tae: *shy smirk* Good night baby~


Tae and Jungme were twining to go for airport bc finally jk was coming back today. Both were all set to go, meanwhile jin was also joining them from his office.

𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘: Jk already made some false reasons to his parents, why tae can't come to pick him and instead he himself has to go back

Jungme: Dadda-- *patting his knees

Tae: yes princess *sat on her level*

Jungme: Thiss ishh for mumma? *Pointing at the rose bouquet

Tae: Yes baby *pull her cheek*

Jungme: I want to give too *Pout*

Tae: Umm *unplugged one rose* You give this smol one okie?

Jungme: yeshh *tiny clapping

Tae: let's go *lift her up

In 25 mins both father & daughter got there. Their eyes were searching a particular person until that person finally shows up. Jk ran with open arms towards tae, who had a wide smile on his face. Jk excitedly rushed and picked his little angel, meanwhile his husband just dropped his arms down and crossed them against his chest. His expression were screaming "Seriously dude?" bc Jk pretended to ran towards him and then hugged jungme

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