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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for clicking on "Twisted Loyalty"

Before you read, please be aware that the following Twisted Girl (Dahlia, Jennifer, Sofia) will be falling in love with original male characters that I've created- Not Ana. The only girl who will fall in love with an Ana Huang Character is Camila, whose book will be about her and Niko Volkov (Alex and Ava's son)

All the beloved twisted characters who are now parents will make an appearance throughout the story but they will not appear in every chapter since the story is now about their KIDS. They had their time to shine lol.

Also, while Ana has created their names, appearance, family background, the characters likes, fears, hate, desires, hobby, profession has been decided by me.

While I'll try my best to explain everyone's experience and background, you don't have to read Ana Huang's Twisted series for you to enjoy and understand this book (although you should because that series is INCREDIBLE 👏🏾🔥) My intent for these books are that they can be read alone.

There will be some intimacy / smut chapters. If those make you uncomfortable you can skip over the scene or chapter.

Note: this is a FANFICTION! All original rights, text and contents belong to Ana Huang.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy the story!

Twisted Loyalty (Twisted Next Gen #1)Where stories live. Discover now