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Special thanks to Nightmarexe455 helped me a lot

Unknown location, Desert

???: seems like we need to bring in more? But we're burning daylight folks 

A lone figure within a desert was seen between some Canyons as the man was revealed wearing tactical gear and clothing as he was wearing a neck gaiter underneath his mask to protect his mouth and nose from the sand

A lone figure within a desert was seen between some Canyons as the man was revealed wearing tactical gear and clothing as he was wearing a neck gaiter underneath his mask to protect his mouth and nose from the sand

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???: Y/n come in, you ok brother?

The figure now revealed is Y/n Barlow a retired former tier 1 operator as he talks into his radio

Y/n: almost there, where's the target?

???: just 50 yards ahead

Disconnecting his radio, Y/n made his way through the terrain as his hiking boots crunched through the rocks and sand littering the ground as he grabbed his Rifle a Hk416 outfitted with more powerful optics and a adjustable sight as the man made it seeing through a rocky outcrop seeing a bunch of vehicles and a gathering of forces a few hundred meters away

Y/n: this is Bravo 6 Alpha calling in, intel was right, the red dragon is among some deals with the black dragon regarding some kind of weapons deal!

???: we can't have that, you got a sight on Movado?

Y/n: negative, Graves, give me a second

The man Y/n was talking to was Phillip Graves, callsign shadow one a Commander of an American PMC group called Shadow compan, and a friend of Y/n who's been a member of shadow company and helped lead Shadow on various Ops at times

???: Y/n patching in

The female voice that was heard was Kate laswell a station chef of the cia and someone Y/n considered family, they had worked together when Y/n first joined the special forces and later Delta force

The female voice that was heard was Kate laswell a station chef of the cia and someone Y/n considered family, they had worked together when Y/n first joined the special forces and later Delta force

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Y/n: hey Kate! Looking through now

Y/n is looking as he's seeing through some new tech binoculars as it was tagging each person as he begins to see that they're using identified with their crimes and interpol bounties being seen

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