"Yeah well, who even uses a real clock, just set it on your phone or something." I rolled my eyes.

She laughed.

"Don't even get me started on you Mr." I pointed at Mason. "I had to go into the boys room looking for you and then Walker freaking-"

I stopped myself from the embarrassing story.

"Walker what?" Mason teased.

"Was there...in the room. Isn't that crazy?" I ask, taking some of the bacon off Momona's plate.

"Considering he's staying there, that's absolutely insane." She replied.

"If you aren't gonna let me sleep at least order me some French toast sticks."

"You only like the ones from Sonic." Mason rolled his eyes.

"And Ihop..."

A waiter came by and asked if we were okay

"Yes thank you, could I get some French toast sticks please." Mason ordered.

"And a milkshake."

"Vanilla, Oreo, Strawberry, or Chocolate?"

"Oreo please." I told the nice guy.

I spoke again when he left. "So what did you guys talk about for 6 hours?"

"Not much." Momona said.

"Just...life I guess."

"Wait, were you with her when she posted that picture of me and Walker?"

"Yeah." He said, sighing under his breath, almost as if he was annoyed.

"Hey guys." Brady came down and sat next to Momona.

"I think we're gonna need a bigger table if other people come down." Momona said.

"Well I gotta go get ready anyways. I'm tired of looking like a bum."

"You always look like a bum." Mason joked, I softly hit his arm and walked to the elevator.

When the elevator stopped on my floor the doors opened and Walker was standing there. He had fixed his hair, put on some jeans and and a plain T shirt, nothing special, but he still looked....like a normal kid.

That's what he was. A normal boy, a normal teenage boy with normal teenage boy thoughts and actions.

"Hey." I smiled and got off the elevator, as I passed him I heard him smile out a greeting.

I'd put my clothes on, fixed my hair, and added makeup 15 minutes later and was now walking downstairs.

Momona, Mason, Brady, and Walker were in the same spot and I saw Sunny, Madeleine, and Violet in the buffet line.

The booth was in a ( ) shape of cushions with openings to get in and out of. On one side of the seating was Mason and Brady and on the other side was Momona and Walker which gave me a weird feeling in my stomach but I pushed it aside and sat next to Brady.

"Hey, Oliver."

"You're not funny Mason."

"Oh I think I'm very funny." He said with a weird face, Momona laughed.

Oh girl, you know it's bad when you laugh too hard at their unfunny jokes.

Walker gave her a disgusted look and we made eye contact with our mutual "what the hell?" expressions, which made us laugh even harder

"What's funny?" Momona asked.

"Clearly Mason." Walker mumbled as I held in my laughter.

"So," Brady drew the 'o' out. "What's the plan for today?"

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