He knew that was it, Toni herself, would be retracting her hand from his hold as soon as she felt the scars, those ugly marks which were the most horrible reminder of his pain. But his every thought, every doubt vanished when instead of retraction, all he received was an even firm hold on his hand. His head jerked back, his eyes staring at those blue ones which were now losing their glow and returning back to those glowing brown ones. His heart wailed in disappointment when Toni closed her eyes, but it at least was enough to bring him back to reality, as he himself turned his head back towards the portal.

With a deep breath, he moved to the portal, guiding her through it, suppressing the tingling feeling of butterflies fluttering in his stomach. It wasn't time to act like a fool, damn it.

Toni opened her eyes when she felt the pull. Her eyes caught the sight of Stephen who was now guiding her through the portal. When she crossed the sizzling barrier, Toni couldn't help but hear her racing heart. Stephen turned back, vanishing the portal with a flick of his fingers, before turning to Toni, who definitely didn't want to catch his gaze. The genius shuffled, freeing her hand from him, as she moved towards Vision, leaving Stephen standing there.

Stephen sighed silently to himself, before smiling when the cloak patted his cheek. He rolled his eyes at the relic, before looking at Toni, and reminding himself that it will take time, but he knew he would wait, he was ready to wait for her for years, if not centuries.

He blinked, centuries? Where did that come from?

Shaking a head, Stephen quickly followed the genius that was moving ahead of them. When they neared the co-ordinates of the location, Stephen, Toni, and Vision remained hidden behind woods. Surprisingly the location was in some farms surrounded by woods, therefore giving them enough space to hide.

As they scanned the area, the first thing that got their attention was the huge ship landed at the side, with a stupid attempt to keep it hidden.

Toni's mind rushed at the advanced machine. If she could just get her hands on that miracle once, just to take a reading and understand the mechanisms. She could recreate the model, if the elements for construction were available, if not, then she can always substitute them with her own inventions.

Meanwhile Stephen? Stephen's eyes widened as soon as they caught the sight of the ship. How in the name of Vishanti did this happen? And how did he miss that? He remembered that ship from more than ten million realities, along with the residents, or travelers, he thought to himself. Suddenly it all made sense and Stephen found his heart calming down at that.

Their unwanted guests weren't really a danger. A spaceship landing in Missouri?

"I'm not from Earth. I'm from Missouri."
"Yeah, that's on Earth dip-shit. What are you hassling us for?"

A residual energy of tesseract?

A glowing woman with blonde hair appeared in front of his vision. Carol Danvers, or better known as Captain Marvel, stood in front of Thanos, holding the infinity gauntlet in place, not allowing him to snap.

The Sorcerer Supreme berated himself, for not thinking about it. But suddenly frowned, when the question popped up - what were they doing here?

His thoughts were scattered when he heard Toni's voice calling his name. Turning his head to the genius, the Sorcerer noticed her narrowed brows looking at him, and realized he must have zoned out.

"Is something wrong?" Her voice was low, careful enough to not reveal their presence obviously. But Stephen suddenly smiled a bit. Nothing was wrong now. After all he knew the Guardians for more than ten million of timelines.

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