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The next morning, Carly and Freddie woke up to a bright day, feeling the lingering warmth of their Valentine's celebration. As they started their day, Carly had a surprise breakfast planned for Freddie, and Freddie had a heartfelt gesture in mind for Carly. Little did they know, this post-Valentine's Day morning would bring more sweet moments and surprises, deepening their connection and love for each other.

Carly, waking up to the new day, turned to Freddie with a bright smile, "Good morning, Freddie! Happy extended Valentine's Day."

Freddie stretched and grinned, "Good morning, Carly! Who says the celebration has to end? I'm up for an extended celebration."

Carly chuckled, "Agreed. Let's keep the love and joy going. I have a little surprise for breakfast, too."

Freddie raised an eyebrow, "A surprise? I'm intrigued. Lead the way, Carly." They started their day, eager to continue the warmth and surprises from the extended Valentine's celebration.

Carly, with a mischievous glint in her eye, said to Freddie, "I've got a lot planned for you today, babe. Just hoping nothing goes wrong."

Freddie raised an eyebrow, "A lot planned, huh? Should I be worried?"

Carly laughed, "No, no worries. Just a day filled with surprises and special moments. Get ready for an unforgettable day, Freddie Benson."

Freddie grinned, "I'm looking forward to it, Carly. Bring on the surprises. Nothing could go wrong with you by my side."

They shared a playful moment, ready to embark on another day of shared adventures and surprises.

Freddie, with a gentle smile, placed his hand on Carly's belly and asked, "How's Grace doing in there? Any morning kicks or is she still in sleepy mode?"

Carly chuckled, "Well, she did a little dance routine earlier, but now I think she's enjoying the calm morning. Grace is quite the character already."

Freddie grinned, "Our little dancer. Can't wait to meet her. Every day brings us closer to that moment."

Carly sighed happily, "It does, Freddie. I feel blessed to have you and our little one in my life." They shared a sweet moment, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their baby girl.

Carly, finishing her breakfast, looked at Freddie and said with a playful smile, "Meet me in the media room in five minutes, okay? I've got something special for you."

Freddie raised an eyebrow, intrigued, "Something special? You've got my attention. I'll be there in five, Carly."

Carly winked, "Can't wait to see the surprise on your face, Freddie. Five minutes!" As she headed to the media room, Freddie couldn't help but wonder what Carly had in store for him this time.

While Freddie headed to their bedroom to get dressed, Carly was in the media room, practicing her vows for their upcoming wedding on June 4th. She wanted to get a run-through and share the moment with Freddie.

Freddie returned, dressed, and asked, "What's the surprise, Carly?"

Carly smiled, "Sit down, Freddie. I want to share something with you. I've been practicing our vows for the wedding, and I thought it would be nice to do a run-through together."

Freddie's eyes lit up, "Really? That's a beautiful surprise. I'd love to hear them."

As Carly began to share her heartfelt vows, Freddie listened with admiration, feeling the depth of their love as they envisioned their future together.

Carly, feeling the moment, asked Freddie to stand up as she began to express her heartfelt vows to him.

"Freddie," she began, "from the moment we met, I knew there was something special between us. As we stand here, about to embark on the journey of marriage, I want you to know that you are my anchor, my confidant, and my greatest love."

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