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Chapter 7: A Day with Jaden

Rory yawned and stretched her arms, slowly opening her eyes to the early morning light streaming through the curtains. She blinked a few times, fully realizing that she had fallen asleep while watching movies with Jaden, her crush and friend. Glancing to her side, she saw Jaden still curled up beside her, his peaceful expression melting her heart.

"Hey, Jaden," Rory whispered, gently shaking his shoulder. "It's morning."

Jaden groaned softly and reluctantly opened his eyes. "Already? Feels like we just blinked and it's morning."

Chuckling softly, Rory nodded. "Yeah, time flies when you're having fun. Do you want to use the shower before we head out?"

Jaden nodded and swung his legs off the bed. "That would be great, thanks."

Rory smiled and gestured towards the bathroom. "Of course, go ahead. Take your time."

As Jaden disappeared into the bathroom, Rory quickly got dressed and went downstairs to find her mom, Camilla, in the kitchen. She explained the plan for the day, how Jaden had invited her over to his house. However, before Rory could agree, Camilla insisted on meeting Jaden's parents first.

"Sweetie, you know I trust you, but it's always good to meet the people your friends are surrounded by," Camilla explained with a warm smile. "Let's go together and get to know Jaden's parents. Plus, it'll be nice for them to meet the person their son talks about so often."

Rory jumped up and down with excitement, grateful that her mom was willing to meet Jaden's parents. After a quick drive, they arrived at Jaden's house where they were warmly greeted by his mom, Jessica, and his dad, Dj.

The parents settled in the living room, exchanging stories and getting to know each other while Jaden led Rory through the house to meet his siblings. First, they met Jayla, Jaden's older sister who was already making waves as an actress at the age of 19. Then, Jaden's twin brother, who was also 17 and pursuing acting, joined them. Rory couldn't help but be impressed by their talents.

Finally, they met Jaden's little brother, Daelo, who had the brightest smile on his face. "You and Jaden are so cute together," he commented, earning a playful push from his twin.

Blushing, Rory laughed. "Thanks, Daelo. But Jaden and I are just friends."

The adorable bulldog named Champ bounded over to Rory and happily licked her face. She couldn't help but laugh and asked Jaden what his name was. Jaden introduced her to Champ and promptly asked if she wanted to head up to his room to play video games.

"I warn you, though," Rory said with a sheepish grin. "I'm really bad at gaming."

Jaden smiled back at her. "That's okay, we'll just have fun. It's not about winning, right?"

As they made their way to Jaden's room, they failed to notice Javon and Jayla secretly following them, whispering about how adorable they looked together. Rory caught a glimpse of them and couldn't suppress her smile, feeling a flutter of excitement.

In Jaden's room, they settled in front of the TV, handing the controllers back and forth as they engaged in friendly competition. Laughter filled the room as they cheered each other on and high-fived whenever one of them scored.

Soon enough, Jaden's mom called them down for dinner, and Rory reluctantly tore her gaze away from the screen. Camilla joined them, smiling at the sight of her daughter having a great time.

Throughout dinner and movie night, Rory found herself leaning against Jaden on the couch, his fingers softly running through her hair. The comforting sensation lulled her to sleep, and she couldn't help but dream about the potential of their relationship, hoping that the day would come when they could share something more than friendship.

As the night continued, Rory's dreams continued to intertwine with her reality, igniting a spark that hinted at the possibility of something more between her and Jaden, a promise of fire and flames.

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