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Chapter 1: The Welcome to Georgia

Rory Miller had always been familiar with change. As the daughter of a single mother, she had grown accustomed to uprooting her life and starting afresh in a new city every few years. But when her mom, Camila, announced they were moving to Georgia, Rory couldn't help but feel a combination of excitement and apprehension. After all, it meant leaving behind everything and everyone she had known in California.

As the moving truck pulled up to their new house in a quiet suburban neighborhood of Georgia, Rory looked up at the quaint two-story home. It was charming, with a white porch swing and blooming flowers in the front yard. Rory hoped this would be a place she could call home, at least for a little while.

The first few weeks in Georgia were a whirlwind of unpacking boxes and settling into their new routine. Camila, determined to make their new house feel like home quickly, had spent countless hours decorating and arranging furniture. Rory admired her mother's dedication, but being the new girl at school was weighing heavily on her mind.

One evening, as Rory sat in her newly organized bedroom, she received a text from her friend Amanda, whom she had met during her time in Michigan. Amanda was thrilled to hear Rory's news about the move and couldn't wait to show her around the town.

"I'm taking you to a baseball game this Sunday, Rory. It's a big deal around here, and I thought it would be a great way for you to meet new people," Amanda's text read.

Rory's heart skipped a beat at the thought of attending a baseball game. While she had never been a sports enthusiast, she found herself intrigued by the idea of experiencing something new. Plus, she was eager to have a distraction from her worries about fitting in at her new high school.

Sunday arrived, and Amanda whisked Rory away to the local baseball stadium. Rory marveled at the vibrant atmosphere surrounding them as they entered the stadium. The scent of freshly popped popcorn and hotdogs filled the air, while the sound of cheers and laughter echoed through the stands.

Amanda led Rory to their seats, strategically chosen near the third base. As the game began, Rory found herself strangely captivated by the action on the field. The players displayed their skill and determination, each pitch sending a wave of excitement through the crowd.

During the fifth inning, Rory's attention shifted from the game to a player on the opposing team. Jaden Walton, number 17, stood tall on the pitcher's mound. He had an air of confidence about him that drew Rory's gaze, his muscular arms flexing with each pitch.

She watched with bated breath as Jaden threw a perfect curveball that left the batter at a complete loss. Rory couldn't help but be in awe of his talent, his focus, and the way he effortlessly commanded the field.

The game ended with a victory for the home team, and as the crowd erupted in cheers, Rory felt a newfound sense of belonging. She had found something to be excited about in her new town, and it all revolved around the mystery surrounding this handsome baseball player.

After the game, Rory and Amanda made their way back to Rory's house, their voices filled with laughter and animated chatter. Despite the late hour, Rory's mind was consumed with thoughts of Jaden. She found herself gushing about his performance on the field, much to Amanda's amusement.

"I may have just found the perfect distraction from school," Rory exclaimed as they walked up the front steps of her porch.

Amanda chuckled. "Well, I'm glad I could introduce you to something you're passionate about. But, remember, Rory, don't let boys distract you too much. There's a whole world waiting for you to explore."

Rory smiled at her best friend's wisdom. She knew Amanda was right. There were countless experiences to be had and friendships to be forged in her new town. But at that moment, as she closed the front door of her house, all she could think about was Jaden Walton and what possibilities lay ahead in the world of baseball.

Little did Rory know, her newfound passion for the game would lead her on a journey that extended far beyond the baseball field. In this sea of change, she might just discover something extraordinary - something that could leave an indelible mark on the pages of her life.

I totally forgot about this book and it's not the best but hopefully some people like it  ❤️🫶🏻

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