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Chapter 2: A Glimpse of Flames

Rory woke up with a jolt, her heart racing from the vivid dreams that haunted her slumber. It had been just yesterday when she had attended the baseball game and first laid eyes on Jaden. She couldn't shake off the memory of his dazzling smile, his dark eyes that seemed to hold a secret, and the way his laughter had filled the stadium. The dream had transported her back to that moment, replaying it over and over again in her mind.

Rolling out of bed, Rory glanced at her phone, noticing the time and realizing that it was an hour later than she usually woke up. She groaned, knowing that her best friend Amanda would already be bombarding her with messages, eager to hear every detail about the encounter yesterday. Ever since Rory had seen Jaden, Amanda had become obsessed, constantly talking about him, much to Rory's amusement.

As she got ready for her first day at her new school in Georgia, Rory couldn't help but wonder if she would see Jaden again. Would he even remember her? Shaking off her doubts, she made her way to the mirror, adjusting her messy hair and applying a light touch of makeup. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her backpack and headed out the door.

Arriving at the school, Rory's eyes darted around, trying to spot Jaden amidst the sea of students. And there he was, standing with a group of his friends near the lockers, his tousled hair catching the sunlight. Rory could feel her heart race once again, anticipation coursing through her veins.

"Rory! There you are!" Amanda exclaimed, rushing up to her side. "Did you see him? Is he here?"

Rory met Amanda's excited gaze, a smile tugging at her lips. "Yes, he's over there. We should go say hi."

Amanda's eyes widened with delight, and together, they made their way towards Jaden. Nerves tingled within Rory as they approached, but she pushed them aside, determined to make a connection.

"Hey, Jaden, right?" Rory initiated as they reached his group.

Jaden turned towards her, his eyes lighting up in recognition. "Yeah, that's me. And you're Rory, right?"

Rory felt her cheeks blush, her heart skipping a beat. "Yeah, that's me."

Amanda nudged Rory, urging her onwards. "We were just talking about how amazing the game was yesterday. You were incredible!"

Jaden grinned, a modest blush creeping up his own cheeks. "Thanks, I appreciate it. It's always nice to meet fans."

Rory's mind raced, wondering how to continue their conversation. "Hey, do you have Instagram? Maybe we could follow each other."

Jaden's face brightened, and his eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. "Sure, that sounds great. What's your username?"

Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, Rory uttered her username and watched as Jaden tapped away on his phone. Moments later, she received the notification that Jaden had followed her back. But what really caught her attention was the number of his followers. A million. She couldn't believe it.

As the day at school progressed, Rory found herself lost in thoughts of Jaden. Despite being surrounded by a sea of new faces, her mind couldn't help but wander to him. She focused on her classes, trying to immerse herself in the learning and making new friends, but Jaden remained a constant presence in the back of her mind.

After the final bell rang, Rory made her way back home, the weight of the day's encounters settling upon her. She couldn't deny the fluttering hope within her, the possibility that something special might be blossoming between her and Jaden. However, she also couldn't ignore the doubts that nibbled at the edges of her heart.

Entering her room, Rory flopped onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Would they become friends? Or was she just another face lost in Jaden's sea of followers? Only time would tell, but for now, all she could do was hope that the flames sparked yesterday would turn into an everlasting fire.

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