C 3 : True colors

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Two weeks later .........,.

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Karen : You got everything baby ?

Zac : Yeah babe i got everything i need for my meeting " kisses her cheeks "

Karen : Have you talk to your daughter ? Roll her eyes

Zac : Yes we talked last night

Karen : An how did that go?

Zac : She seems fine but i don't think she heard the old conversation because when i look at her she was asleep

Karen : Hmm okay

Zac : What's that ? Hmm okay

Karen : I just don't need her having a damn melt down its not healthy for a pregnant woman to be stress

Zac : An i get that i do baby she's gonna be fine i promise

Karen : Why can't she stay with your mother until your back?

Zac : Karen we talked about this my daughter is not leaving this house

Karen : So am supposed to put up with her bullshit while being pregnant ? She yelled

Zac : I never said that karen " sighs" You guys use to be fine when i travel for business, what change?

* Karen Silent

Dahlia : Good morning daddy ! Ignoring karens present

Zac : Good morning my beautiful flower ....he picked her up showering her with kisses an Karen look pissed

Dehlia : Daddy stop " she giggles " but that giggles stop when she notice the little suitcase by the door ....where are you going ?

Zac : We talked about this last night remember?

Dehlia : " confused " Daddy we didn't talk about you leaving me here again

Zac : What do you mean me leaving you again ?

Dehlia : " looking at karen " Silent

Zac : Daddy gotta go but ill be on Friday okay now be good for mommy okay

Dehlia : " Friday " That's a old week daddy " tears falling " please dont leave me here i promise i won't survive

Zac : Stop being dramatic my beautiful flower daddy loves you

* Zac try to walk away but dehlia hold onto him with her hands wrapped around his waist while she have a hold melt down crying her little heart out ...Zac was confused on her behavior he's never had this problem before he could have gone on business trips an left her with karen an she wouldn't even cry but for the last 9 months things change everytime he has to go out of town / State for business she always cry an uses the phase " I wont survive " He look into her beautiful brown eyes as the tears run down her cheeks he couldn't help but see the woman he loves in his daughter eyes she was surely her moms mini me ,he also saw how scared she was at the sight of him leaving as the tears fell from his eyes his heart was racing to know why was his daughter scared to stay without him

Zac : My beautiful flower how about you go get ready for school while i talk to mommy

Dehlia : No you just gonna leave " crying "

Zac : I promise i wont leave without talking too you

Dehlia : You promise ?

Zac : Yes

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