Math Homework (Leighton)

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Leighton and Y/n are in the same math lecture at Essex. They were about a month into the year and Y/n was struggling. If Y/n was honest, she was not very good at math, but it was a requirement for her degree, so she had to take it. The last lesson was extra hard for Y/n so she bit the bullet and asked a few people in her lecture if they could help her out. She did not have any friends in this lecture so it became awkward asking people. She asked three people, all of which said no. She then decided she would ask one more person.

"Hey Leighton, could you help me with the math homework? I don't understand it."

Leighton slightly rolls her eyes, annoyed. "Well what don't you understand about it? It's not too hard."

"I just don't understand any of it. Math isn't my strong suit."

Leighton sighs, "Fine, I'll help you as best I can. I'm a not very good teacher."

"Thanks!" Y/n smiles.

They both sit down in the back of the lecture hall. Everyone had left at this point, including the professor, so they were alone. Leighton pulls out her textbook and notebook, as Y/n does the same. Leighton tries to explain it as best and as clear as she could. Y/n nods and follows along with what Leighton is saying. She is beginning to understand the lesson more and more now.

Leighton finishes explaining the homework, "Do you understand now?"

"Yeah actually. Thanks, I appreciate it." Y/n smiles towards Leighton.

"You're welcome." Leighton says proud of herself. "Do you think you'll be able to handle the other ones alone?"

"I think I'll be ok, but I don't know for sure."

Leighton chuckles, "Well if you get stuck again, let me know." She found that she didn't mind helping Y/n. She was sweet and genuinely seemed like she needed help. Usually Leighton wouldn't help others with their homework unless they were her friends, but after today, Y/n would be an except.

"Thank you" Y/n responds.

"According to my brother, the next lessons aren't too hard, so I think you'll be ok."

"I hope you're right." Y/n laughs nervously.

"You'll be fine, it's just math Y/n."

"Yeah but I'm not the best at math."

"Why are you taking math if you're not good at it?" Leighton asks, curious.

"It's a requirement for my degree." Y/n answered, "I didn't know I needed math until I applied to pick my classes for Essex."

"What's your major?"

"Psychology" Y/n answered simply.

"Psychology needs math?!" Leighton exclaims surprised.

Y/n laughs at Leighton's surprise. "That was my exact reaction. You need to have some math skills and you have to take a statistics class later on or some bullshit like that. That's what the secretary at the student's center told me at least."

"Wow, that's fucked up." Leighton was actually taking a liking to the girl, and if she was honest, she was pretty cute too.

"I know" Y/n agreed. "What's your major?"


"Oh well that makes sense, you're very good at it." Y/n chuckles.

Leighton smirks, "Thanks." Leighton thinks for a moment before she decides to be bold, "I'm sorry but I've gotta ask, you're cute, are you dating anyone?"

Y/n's eyes widen at the unexpected compliment and question from the blonde. "Oh uh, no I'm not."

"Why not?" Leighton asks, intrigued.

"I guess I just haven't found someone I like." Y/n shrugs.

Leighton tilts her head, "So I'm guessing you're picky then huh?"

"Yeah you could say that..."

"What's your type then?"

Y/n turns her body more towards the blonde so she can give her her full attention. "Hmm..." She thinks for a moment before continuing, "Mostly blondes at the moment, although I like brunettes too. They have to be kind, but witty, and they have to have a good sense of humour."

Leighton listens intently as Y/n basically describes her. "Anything else?"

"Well as long as they're a good and caring person, it doesn't matter." Y/n shrugs, "Oh, and they have to get along with kids."

"You wanna have kids?"

"Yeah, I love kids. Plus I want my partner to be able to get along with my little brother too. Do you want kids?"

Leighton nods in response, "Yeah I would want kids when I'm older. They're so adorable..."

Y/n watches how Leighton's eyes light up when she talks about children. She then continues the conversation with a question of her own, "So what's your type then? I'm curious."

Leighton eyes her for a moment, "Do you want me to be honest?"

Y/n chuckles, "Yeah, I want you to be honest."

"Well... my type would basically be you." Leighton watches Y/n's face, waiting for her reaction.

Y/n's eyes widen once again and she blushes. "Me?"

Leighton nods "Yes, you." She looks you up and down, "You're basically my exact type actually."

Y/n's blush deepens and she smiles.

Leighton notices Y/n's blush and decides to go on, "Let's just say that I'd date you in an instant if you liked me."

"And what if I did?" Y/n smirks and leans slightly closer to Leighton.

Leighton leans closer as well and begins to stare at her lips. "Then I'd kiss you right here, right now."

"Do it then" Y/n's voice barely above a whisper.

Leighton smiles and slowly leans in and kisses Y/n. The kiss was slow and soft. They stay there for a moment before pulling away and resting their foreheads together. Y/n smiles and pulls Leighton into another kiss. She puts her arms around Leighton's neck, and Leighton puts her hands into Y/n's hair. They continue to kiss for a few minutes, becoming more passionate by the minute before they both pull away for air. Leighton then moves to Y/n's neck. She begins to kiss and nibble on her pulse point. Y/n closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling.

Once Leighton pulls away, Y/n opens her eyes. "Thank god I'm bad at math" Y/n chuckles.

Leighton laughs with her and pulls her back into another quick kiss.

Hey guys, sorry for the late update, I was meaning to post this a few weeks ago but forgot because I kinda went through a breakup lol. Anyway, here it is.

I'm also thinking of changing the cover for this book. I don't usually change covers once it's published but I don't really like this cover anymore.

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