New years (Leighton)

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"Hey babe?" Y/n called out to Leighton from her kitchen while she finishes cooking their dinner. Leighton walked into Y/n's kitchen. 


"So I was thinking... What do you think about going to New York City for new years?" Y/n proposed the idea she had for a few weeks. "I was thinking we could make it like a fun road trip. Me, you, and your roommates. What do you think?"

Leighton was surprised by her offer. "That's a great idea. I'd love to kiss you at midnight in New York." Leighton leans in and places a soft kiss on Y/n's lips. Y/n smiles into the kiss. "Although Whitney would wanna bring Canaan, and Bela would wanna bring Eric." 

"That's fine, the more the marrier." Y/n kisses Leighton once more, and then places their food on the table. "Do you think Kimberly might be lonely by herself though?"

"I don't know"

"Maybe we should invite her coworker Lila so she won't be like a seventh wheel?" 

"Yeah that's a good idea. Plus Lila's fun to party with." 

"Also, I don't know if it's better if we stay on the ground to watch the ball drop in Times Square, or to get a hotel room high up to watch the ball drop from there. What do you think?" 

"Um... Maybe the hotel room because I don't wanna be in that large crowd all day without moving." Leighton gets plates out of the cupboards and places them down on the table. 

"Yeah you're right." They both sit down and eat their dinner. 


Once they were all packed and ready to go on Friday the 29th, they all piled into a mini van that they rented, and headed for New York City. Y/n volunteered to drive first and then Leighton said she would switch with her once they got a chance. Although Y/n doesn't fully trust Leighton to drive because of her road rage, especially when there's traffic like she assumes there will be the closer they get to Times Square. But she won't tell her that. Since Y/n was driving, Leighton was in the passenger seat. Canaan, Whitney, and Lila were behind them in the middle row. Bela, Eric, and Kimberly were in the back seats. 

"Can I put on music?" Whitney asks and Leighton passes her the aux cord. 

"Let's go bitches! Time to get our New York City on!" Lila cheers. 

They all sung and had fun to the music throughout their drive. After a few hours, Y/n pulled into a gas station to fill up, and to let everyone get snacks. Y/n pumped gas as Leighton went inside to grab her and Y/n some snacks. Whitney and Canaan also went to grab snacks of their own. Bela, Lila, and Kimberly went to the bathroom, and Eric got out to stretch his legs. Once Leighton bought hers and Y/n's snacks, she put them into the car and stood next to Y/n. 

"Let me take over driving now."

"No, I'm ok. I can keep going for a bit. Don't worry I'm good, as long as you feed me snacks while I drive." They both laugh and Leighton kisses Y/n. Y/n finishes pumping gas just in time as everyone else was coming back to the car. They all piled back into the car and continued their journey. 

With only two hours left of the drive, Y/n was still driving and not letting Leighton take over, while everyone else was either asleep or silently listening to music with headphones in. "Taki me," Y/n says as she opens her mouth. Leighton puts a taki into Y/n's mouth, and eats one herself. Y/n chews the taki and smiles giddily. "Thank you baby." 

Leighton shakes her head and laughs, "You're welcome. Are you sure you don't want me to take over?" 

Y/n contemplates letting Leighton take over as she was tired. She ultimately gives in and lets her take over, "Ok fine, you can take over in ten minutes. But you have to promise me something." 

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