chapter 18:

45 0 0

Don't own anything

author pov:

4 tamers, their digimon, shido, spirits tenka, tohka, kotori, kurumi, mio (reine), tenka's digimon calumon, yoshino, yoshinon, hurricane sisters, & here at the park for a meeting.

Henry: looks like is up to us to take on enemy digimon

Rika: fine by me i'm ready for a challenge

Tohka: we as spirits will fight to save the world

Terriermon: last battle you guys fought you can easily hold your own without taking any damage

Kurumi: why arigato little one. First time i ever fought something from a cyberspace based world

Yoshino: i don't know much about video games even though game you guys play is a board game

Rika: pc game too

Yoshino: oh well alright * munching on chocolate bar *

Mio: military will get in involved too. Since origami & mana are not gonna make it. Message from them says ast will assist us

Kotori: you're husband & kurumi's boyfriend are getting involved in this too

Mio: i am well aware of the sky being punched through like a wormhole

Tenka: they almost hurt my riggs

Riggs: take a chill pill love. Looks like i'm coming out of retirement

Dark guilmon: about time😁

Takato: i got something showman. Guilmon can you show them what we made

Guilmon takes it out. A flag showing tamers digimon & spirits. Kotori glared at rika.

Rika sweatdropped so did renamon

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Rika sweatdropped so did renamon.

Kotori: you know what takato kun. Mind if i redesigned it?

Takato: sure 💗

Calumon: you humans & spirits are so silly😁

Tenka looks up at calumon sitting on top of her head raised her eyebrow, she giggled & smiled.

To be continued:


digimon: tamers live one punch (tenka X oc Takato X Kotori)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat