Peter's Secret

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As Captain Hook launched the boms at the strange girl and I we ducked just in time. I was about to fly away when the Codfish yelled.

"Pan! You double crossing pipsqueek... get back here and fight like a man." At those last few words I tried not to laugh as I shouted back,

"Come and get me you old Codfish!" I then laughed as Tinkerbell stuck out her tongue at the man, this only made him even more ferrous.

"C'mon, we gotta fly out of here!" I exclaimed, smirking as I picked up the girl and flew off laughing in victory. After a few seconds of silence, I spoke up curiously.

"If your not Wendy, then who are you?" I asked the girl with genuine curiosity lacing my tone.

"I'm her daughter, Jane." She replied back snappily as we continued flying through the never-ending open skies of Neverland.

"Huh if your Wendy's daughter... then your going to love it here!" I yelled happily, I then realized that I was forgetting one important detail... My secret that only Tink and I knew. The sudden realization caused me to stop in my tracks. However, a sudden pain in my left side almost made me fall out of the sky. I hissed in pain when I put a hand on the wound. I frowned slightly, I hope it wasn't to serious I thought in worry.

"Hay, why did we stop so suddenly?" Jane asked, curiously, witch was way different from her snarky attitude moments earlier. I had to think fast, so I just spat out a jumble of words in a panic.

"Umm... well... let's just continue on shall we?" I said, nervously deciding to change the subject. Tink mimicked my nervous glance and I tried my best to think of other things instead. But to my dismay my nervous feelings caused the sky to darken with clouds. I paled and started flying as fast as I could.

Once we got to the hide out I was panting from flying so fast. Both Jane and I were soaked from the rain and I had to remove my soaked green cap... causing my long Auburn hair to fall down to my shoulders. In a panic Tinker-Bell quickly grabbed my soaking wet hair and tied it into a high Ponytail. I suddenly felt dizzy and light-headed. I stumbled and caught myself on my small night-stand. Apparently the old codfish had hit me with an arrow. I rubbed my temples in an attempt to relieve some of the pain. I was brought out of my thoughts when jane spoke up with concern.

"Peter? Are you alright? You look really pale. " Jane asked, I could only nod slowly in response. Jane then reached over and put her hand to my still pounding head.

"I'm fine Jane, no need to worry." I squeaked, I then covered my mouth in horro, but it was already to late.

"You sound weird, are you sure your alright Peter?" Jane remarked, looking me over. I pouted childishly at her in response. I then sighed and rung my fingers though my Auburn-red hair.

"What do I do now? I can't let Jane treat my wounds... she can't find out my secret." My thoughts were scrambled, and my mind was becoming foggy. My vision then began to blur and I felt myself falling. The last thing I saw was the worried faces of the Lost Boys and the horrified face of Jane, then everything went dark.


I panicked. What do we do? What do we do? I thought in a panicked frenzy. I turned a worried gaze on Jane, she was our new mother. She'd know what to do? Right... I hoped she would.

"Jane? What will we do? What's wrong with Peter? Is he okay?" I fired off questions at Jane, said girl just looked as lost as I felt. She then slowly picked Peter Pan up, she then motioned for me to follow her.

"Your the oldest Lost Boy right?" She asked, as she gently layer Peter on the bed. I nodded slowly in response. I was just hoping that Peter would be okay.


I gave a small sigh, I still had a feeling that Peter was hiding something. But what could it be? I wondered, as I wet the washcloth in the cold water again.

"What are you hiding Pan?" I whispered to the unconscious boy. I then notaced a red substance that was coating the boy's shirt, I squinted my eyes to get a beter look. It was blood, I could tell by the smell. I rankled my nose. I then slowly lifted the blood-socked shirt up to see the cause of the bleeding. I covered my mouth in horror, an arrow was lodged into Peter's side. I had to remove his shirt so that I could clean the wound, but I need help. So I quietly called for Slightly.

Once we had removed the shirt, I froze at what I saw, this was not the chest of a boy, but the chest of a girl. I just sat, stalk-still, not knowing what to do. I looked at Slightly, who was as whit as a sheet, and his eyes were wide. I began to panic. What do I do?

"Oh my gosh. Peter's a girl? Did mother know about this? What if Peter wakes up, what will I do then?" I quietly whispered to myself. I then began to clean the wound with shaking hands, I was shaking in panic and fear. I then went outside to get some fresh air, and so that I could wrap my mind around what I had just learned.

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