Chapter one~The gathering

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A dark poison 👑

A/N- This is my first published story on here so I hope you like it! It's going to include some girl x girl and a few gory details so this is just a warning!

Coughs fill the island of Izlenmoor (Is-Len-
More)... A sickly disease has spread across the land, there's poison in the air. Among the less fortunate people of Izlenmoor, a young girl called Aurelia -Aged 15- sits by her mother's side.

"How're you feeling mama?" She asks, sitting her mother up and allowing her to sip the soup she has made for her. Her mother grumbles inbetween coughs.
"I'm fine!" She snaps at Aurelia. Aurelia sighs.
"Only trying to help mama, if you don't let me help you, you'll only get worse!" Aurelia protests, but her mother pushes her away, she trips over her feet and falls to the floor. She lands on her backside. Soup on the floor and hair strewn across her face. She quickly gets to her feet and brushes herself off. She normally does training but she's been trying to look after her mother recently.
"Find another way to waste your time, child," Her mother coughs, even now she talks to Aurelia like a stranger instead of her own daughter.
"Let me care for you..." Aurelia's voice is stern but there's still a hint of worry.
"Over my dead body!" Her mother scowls "You have training to do! Go train! Put a sword in your hand and swing until you can't," Her mother shouts again, her face is not softening but Aurelia knows that this is her mother's strange way of showing she cares.
"But what if..." Aurelia starts to protest but her mum interrupts
"No! No buts! Go before I drag you,"
"Fine, only since you insist," Aurelia gives in and walks out, after giving one last worrisome look to her mother. She walks awhile before reaching a small training stall. Technically the poor aren't supposed to do training, but her uncle Thomas runs a small training stall hidden by bushes and thorns.
"Hey uncle Thomas!" She says, delighted to see that he isn't sick. He's cutting a bit of a tree down so he can make more wooden swords. He's technically not her uncle but he's a family friend and she's been calling him her uncle for her whole life. He smiles at her with his usual crooked grin.
"Little Lia!" He shouts, he's always called her that, it's technically him mocking her for her height but she's stopped hating it over the years and learned to like his nickname for her. She is a little bit short for her age. She's 15 and 5,2. But she's found ways to live with it. Aurelia runs over to him and gives a gentle hug.
"I missed you..." She whispers
"Me too... I thought you were sick..." He replies
"No... But mum is..." Aurelia looks up at him, one of the two only people in this world she doesn't have to have her guard up when she's around. Something flashes in his eyes, guilt. He must feel bad about bringing it up. Aurelia reached to pick up a sword when there's ruckus on the street. She ducks and turns around, she creeps closer to the bush hiding the stall to get a better look. There's guards out there, a rare thing to see in these parts, she looks back to where Thomas was and opens her mouth to speak but he's gone. Perhaps he's smart enough to run. But Aurelia stays, she's hidden well enough and besides, she's curious. Guards march forward with someone in their arms.
"Mama..?" Her voice is barely a hushed whisper.
The soldiers start to shout
"Where is she!?" They yell at her, they land a punch in her mother's stomach. Aurelia clasps her hands over her mouth and she feels sick.
"I'm not telling you anything!" Her mother spits at the soldiers feet.
"Where. Is. Your. DAUGHTER!?" They scream and Aurelia is hit my a thousand emotions, confusion, guilt, fear and anger. Red hot brewing anger. And fear is also a big one. She feels she might throw up. Her hands stay over her mouth and her whole body is trembling.
"Kill me all you want but you leave my girl alone!" Her mother coughs and falls to her knees. Aurelia wants to spring to her feet and run to her rescue but she's glued to the spot.
"Very well then," The commander pulls out a sword and rises it high in the air. Aurelia pulls herself out of her trance and onto her feet.
"NO!!" She yells and runs towards them, the soldier loses his balance and his blade lands in her mother's stomach. Aurelia runs to her side and holds her, tears streaming down her face. Her mother's face is seemingly unchanged, blood falls out her mouth as their eyes lock. And for the first time since her father passed away, her mother smiled. A genuine, soft, loving smile. It felt as though Aurelia's heart cracked in her chest, as if someone had broken all her ribs just to reach inside and grab her heart.
"Mama..?" Her voice is so quiet she doesn't know for sure if her mum heard it. Her mother squeezes her hand gentle, it's strange to see the old women's face wrinkled into something other than a sharp, disapproving frown.
"You'll be okay..." Her mother croaks weakly and her eyelids start to flutter shut.
"No! Mama!" Aurelia shakes her mother's shoulders gently, but her mother doesn't stir, she looks at peace. As if dying was a blessing and not a curse. Strong hands grab Aurelia's shoulders and try to pull her away. She turns around and lunges at the soldier. She knocks him to the floor and he seems somewhat shocked.
"You killed her!" She half cries and half shouts "You killed her! You monster!" But more grabbing hands reach for her and pull her back. She feels a sharp stabbing pain in her arm and everything fades into nothing.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 26 ⏰

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