Chapter 3

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I had the last shift that night. I woke Conner by persuading him with the other half of the fruit. I fell asleep while Conner ate. He packed up while I slept and when I was done he handed me all our stuff. I took it confused because he normally carried it. I was even more surprised when Conner gently picked me up and propped me on his back. I guided my hands on his chest and I held on smiling from ear to ear. "I figured you would appreciate some extra sleep." He laughed. I fell asleep on him for a while and then awoke when he set me down. We had made it to the railroad. Conner toke the bag and we ran across the railroad. The thrill was enough to make me laugh. Conner smiled and stared at me. I must have looked crazy. Or maybe not! Conner leaned in and kissed me. When he was done he smiled at my shocked face which included my jaw dropped low, my eyes wide, and my cheeks blushed. I felt like I was going to faint or puke. He grabbed my hand and we continued walking. He glanced at me once in a while but he said nothing. My cheeks burned and I felt myself still blushing. Yes it was something I has wished for, but I never thought he would like me back! We still walked and I decided to brake the silence. " you think we're close to the White House?" Conner stopped and looked at me. "You can't avoid what happened forever. You've been blushing ever since. Tell me what your thinking. Please?" First of all he was totally of topic, but clearly he was thinking similar things the whole time. I nodded and then spoke. "I'm just shocked. I wasn't expecting it. You tell me what you thinking!" He looked worried "Do you like me like that? Was it a bad idea to kiss you? What does this make us?" He gabbed on. I stepped forward and held his face "Yes I like you. Yes it was a great idea. I don't know what this makes us, but maybe you should answer some questions too." He calmed down and then spoke "I like you. I liked our kiss. What it makes us? I don't know." This was useless I personally thought it made us two people who kissed. Or did it make us boy friend and girl friend? I wasn't good with this kind of stuff. I desperately need Bri to rescue me. We stayed there quietly for a moment looking at each other. "Well we are either a couple or two friends who kissed. What you want us to be is a different question." Conner smiled "I want us to be more than friends. Is that what you want?" Of course it was! How had he not seen the signs? I smiled, nodded, and hugged him within seconds. My dreams came true and now I knew for sure we were only going to become closer. We walked and held hands all day. We smiled and talked about our old lives and what we missed the most. I missed ice cream and he missed fights with his brother. It grew dark and we set up once again. He took the first shift and we traded in and out every once and a while. I fell asleep, but i wondered if the group would approve of us.

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