Chapter 10

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Abella ON:

It's been 5 months since me and Blake started dating, and he asked me to be his girlfriend by the way, and I said yes, the business is going pretty great but yesterday he went to London to do some work, he is moving to Madrid and when he told me that, I just felt so happy, he wasn't kidding when he said he would do anything for me. I already have my laboratory here in Madrid, and little by little I will reach my dream of having it all around the world, today I'm taking Elly with me she said she wanted to do a few tests on this substance she just found, she also has a BIO-LAB and she is very successful on what she does.

Elly: Abellaaa, come on you've been upstairs for too long- she said screaming-

Abella: Girl, chill- I said coming down stairs- Let's go- I said taking the car keys

At the Lab:

Abella: Elly do whatever you want this is yours too- I said going to my office- Thanksss- she replied screaming.- I did some research that Blake asked me to, some minutes after I went to the testing room which was on the 2nd floor, and every one was unconscious on the floor even Elly-

Abella: Elly oh my God, wake up please- I said trying to make her wake up, and almost crying and after that I saw everything dark, and I blacked out-



I was on my house organizing some stuff so that I can take  to Madrid, I've been trying calling to Abella and she doesn't answer, no signs of Elly either, a few minutes ago I called Ashton and asked him to go to her lab and check for them that's not normal:


Ashton: Blake you'll not like this- he said with a worried voice- what happened?- I asked - When I came to the lab I found everyone unconscious, on the floor I called an ambulance, and now I'm at the hospital with Elly- he said - what about Abella? - I-I, I didn't find her, there are no signs of her, so I checked the Security cameras and I saw a tall, blonde man taking her on his car she was unconscious too, Blake someone kidnapped Abella- he said and I threw my phone to the wall, after hearing that I felt like breaking down that moment, I needed to save my princess.

I took the other phone I had on my pocket and I called Ashton, getting into my car and driving for 200m/ph:

Blake: Ashton call the FBI, call  the forensics, tell them to search every single place of that city, I'm heading to the airport I'll be there in 5hours, update me- I said - Blake Elly woke up- give the phone to her

Elly: Blake I know who's that guy, He is Caleb Danvers,- the name wasn't strange- he studied on the same class as me and Abella at college on our 2nd year , he was obsessed with her but when he asked her to date him she rejected and since that day he was never seen, Blake he is dangerous please be careful and save her- Elly said crying- don't worry I will.

I know that DUSH his father was my father's  programming supplier, I'll kill him if he does something with my princess- I said arriving at the airport, her parents must be so worried, and this all my fault I shouldn't have come to London I should've stayed with her, I promised her that if she fell I would catch her, and if I didn't I would fall with her, and right now she needs me and I am not with her...

Abella ON:

Suddenly I woke up, I was tied up into a chair, I couldn't move my feet and hands, it was a room with few illumination and my head was paining, soon after I heard a familiar voice...

Caleb: Look who finally woke up, you were sleeping like an angel- he said coming to my to vision field-

Abella: Caleb?

                     CALEB DANVERS

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                     CALEB DANVERS


Love, Love, LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora