Chapter 8

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Blake ON:

We were on the living room waiting for our guests:

Blake:Oh dear did they gave up?-I  asked worried- calm down honey they'll come- said my mom looking at me-

Ashton: Look who's worried- he said provoking me , and without my parents listening I whispered "Fuck you" and he laughed, soon after we heard the doorbell- finally she is  here, I mean they, oh Blake don't start now.

Blake: Well hello there ladies!- I said kissing each one of them on the cheek,-You may come in make your selves comfortable or as you latinos say mi casa es su casa- we all laughed-

Abella: Thank you Blake for your generosity and for the invitation- she said smiling oh God I would give anything to see her smile everyday-  No worries, it was a pleasure-

My mom came and stole her from me, they got to know each other, and by my moms face she loved her, after all the talking we went to the dining room and we started eating, and my father asked a question who made uncomfortable

Henry: Abella do you have a boyfriend?- he asked and she almost threw out the food of her mouth- No Mr. Wright, I don't but I hope that one day I'll find my soulmate- she said having a sip of wine- Blakeeeeee, - FATHER, you're embarrassing me- no worries my parents are just like that- Abella said looking at me-

Emma: So, Elly my dear tell me more about your life...

While my mom was talking to Elly, I looked to Abella and she looked at me as well and I felt something I have never felt before, she transmits me some kind of emotion, every time I look at her I feel some kind connection with her, I don't know I  just know that I would do anything for her... I need to remove this weight I  gotta talk to her urgently even if she rejects me I just need to tell her...

 Blake: Abella can we talk to you for a second?- I asked in the middle of their conversation and they all looked at me as if I was zombie who was gonna hurt her, Oh my Gosh,-Sure- she agreed-

Abella ON:

The moment Blake asked me to talk to  him my heart started racing, then he took me to his garden, it had many beautiful flowers, and he started to talk:

Blake: Abella, from the moment that I saw you entering my office, I didn't just saw a random girl, I  saw someone different, I saw someone who somehow made my heart beat so fast, you are the first woman who didn't let me sleep at night because for the past month and until now I cant stop thinking about you, i just wanted you to know what I'm feeling, my heart calls your name, and now I have no doubts that I am falling for you. Somehow I feel that this passion that I feel for you it's not temporary.- Blake I feel the same, oh God I thought you didn't feel the same, I wanted to tell you too but I was afraid, because you know The powerful Blake Wright and a girl like me-she said almost crying- No, no , you don't have to worry about what others think or say if you want to I 'll be with you without thinking twice and we are going to take  things slow if you want to , we don't need to worry about those people, only me and you need to know the truth- so would you go on date with me?- he asked me holding my hands - yes I'll go on a date with you- I hugged him and I cried out of emotion- you made me the happiest man- he  said looking at my eyes, thank you so much-

After everything Blake said I was speechless and turned out they were listening everything, and Elly recorded everything, she sent to my parents and they were so happy to know that i finally found someone, everyone went inside and me and Blake stayed by the garden talking and talking , I  feel  peaceful every time i am with him

Abella: Blake I got to go it's getting late, sorry- no,no worries I get it, so see you tomorrow? on our date?- he said holding my  hands and making kitty eyes, - sure- I said kissing his cheek- I love you my latina- he said hugging me - Love you too- I  replied.

Then we said good bye to everyone, and I started driving cause, Elly was more drunk than ever:

Elly: i knewwww youu would find someonee, oh god i see two Abellasss- and she dozzed off-oh Elly I love you.

Elly has been hooking up with some guys, and I  got to admit it she prefers that instead of having a soulmate she says that she don't believe in love, and she says that who is in love is idiot, she doesn't want to fall in love, but i sense that one day she will no matter what, anyway I love her the way she is.

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