Things to help you with your characters

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Author's note: This was in my writing guidebook,but I haven't been updating it,so I'll put all my tutorials here from now on :D
I might do this chapter again,cause its kinda old, and I have a little bit more experience now :)


Now first of all welcome to the character Journal,today for the first chapter I'll teach you the basics of making a character(art wise to,also credit to lavendertwone on YouTube),let's begin,shall we!

Getting a character idea:
Now when I get my character ideas it usually comes from me having a normal day,like for example right since I'm giving you instructions,I think about a teacher who maybe is strict and has a nicer athletic girlfriend or maybe a sweet teacher as her girlfriend,but deciding the character choices we'll decide later,point is that was completely random but made some sense of why I got the idea,doesn't it? And listen,if you can't get an idea about a character then go hunting,like look at other characters,think about movie and series and anything,find your topic and find you're best time,place,felling and whatever you need to get the right informant and yes it may take time,but you have to be patient with yourself,at least for my case.

Here are some more methods to get ideas:
1. Like I said, find your and think,brainstorm! And find stuff on..Google you like or anything else,it is said that when a writer makes a character,they usually incorporate some stuff about themselves,so think about your personality.
2. Ask a friend or anyone what they like,this is also very helpful when you get stuck making the same character,another way to do this is to look at characters like I said before
3. When writing a character,find something special and associated with them,like for example a character is obsessed with Boba like Ayato,when you see some Boba,you think of ayato pulling one out of his sleeve,
4. Find out their main personality traits. What I mean is the stuff you need to make a character feel like a human,all of that stuff will be written down there ^_^.

Important you need to make a character (personality and life ver,you'll get the other stuff later.):

1. Name,obviously and if you have a hard time making a name, go to a name list and see what the name's symbols and of course recommendations but trust your gut and feelings, recommendations are helpful but it's your story! (I mean, you could also do that thing where you call the main character hero or the maiden,it depends on your story)

2. Verbs: Job+2 hobbies,doesn't have to be 2 but,most of us have at least two and for the job again most of us have one job,or maybe they're a student or retired or anything else,it depends on you're character but these are the basics. You can also separate the talents from the hobbies since you don't have to be good with your hobbies,it also makes the characters more realistic,like I said

3. History:baby,kid,teen,adult,it depends on your character's age. For example,if the character got a scar on their hands because they bonked it as a baby or kid have it simply as a character design choice or when they were a teen,they were goth and still have exaggerated eyelashes,it can be traumatic but it can be simple things to!:)

4. Imperfections (so they can feel human!): they should have always 3-4 Imperfections, some can be little things while others are traumatic, even funny!depends on your book!

5. Favs: Like I said find something that symbolises them but they love it so it's their favorite,remember symbolism can symbolis bad things like something bad about a character that reminds you of them,the stuff you need to know I'll list later,but how about we make a game!use at least three favs and make a character on the spot!

Likes and dislikes:sort of similar to favs but think of movies, for example! You like'em! But you can't pick a favourite because you're an indecisive little bit- We interrupt this program for the no profanity use rule that Lusamine KEEPS BREAKING FOR FU- Anyway, I have at least 3 favs for a game but not a character. Generally,ok!^_^

Special facts:not much to say except have at least 3 for the game and in general (by the way for the number 5 and 4 are the only ones where you have to have this many JUST for the game)

Feelings:For example, if your character a sadistic,how do they act and feel in a traumatic situation! Keep this stuff for the story time in general, and this is not included in the game.

Also, take all of these into consideration when making the character

Usually, stuff you need for Favs (BTW, we're not saying the rules for the game anymore):
1. Food
2. Song/music genre
3. Sports
4. Drinks
5. Accessories
6. Aesthetics
7. Outfits and style(s)
8. Shows
9. More (what you decide also)

General important stuff:
2 Gender (if they have one)
3. Skin,if they have some like skeletons (Also, I'm not saying skin colour is important. I'm saying it for character design)
4. Last name,I see some writers forget the last name, and in general,we should all be confused about why they don't have one.
5. Blood type,random I know but it's all in the effort to make them feel human!(if they don't have any like a vampire,I'm gonna make this a meme book,even if we don't use it)
6. Sexuality
7. Species
8. Ethnicity
9. Nationality (You get where they come from)
10. Height
11. Weight

So,you see, this was just a small tutorial to get you started on a character,not anything helpful or anything like that, so ya know. Maybe I'd like to start a little group who makes fun stories together,and helps people with advice for story's and we each pick a specific thing to do,some can just be therapy sessions or both! I know there's a wattpad guide,but some problems are specific. We can use the discord!I'll put more information if you guys want to join! Anyways,goodbye!



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