Hanging out

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Leo: I gave Leo a call, It was Christmas Eve night and I was feeling lonely. It took five rings before he answered, he seemed to be a bit panicked. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry, do you need something? It's just now isn't the right time, I'm helping out at the party here at my house so...." My heart sunk, I was really hoping that he and I could spend time together today, I didn't want to be alone today, neither tomorrow, or ever. I never admitted it, but I actually hated feeling so lonely, I didn't hate being alone, just the feeling of it. "Oh. That's okay, I just wanted you to come over... I haven't had anyone around during the holidays in so long you know, so I was really looking forward to it... Maybe New Years....?", your voice cracking a little. Leo went silent for a bit and I almost thought he hung up, I heard rummaging in the background and a few angry shouts, after about two minutes I heard Leo running. "I'm coming over." "What? But, aren't you busy with the party?" "So? Fuck the party. I don't want you to be alone this Christmas or on any of the holidays, in fact you'll never have to be alone again, I'm here for you." I smiled a bit at that, I was grateful and I appreciated how he'd just shove away the party just to come over and spend time with me today. "You know you didn't have to." "Well, I wanted to. Once I heard the way you sounded over the phone, I just felt like I needed to come over. Now, open the door, I'm here." I hung up and placed my phone down, rushing to the door and opening it, my eyes brightening as I saw that he in fact was here. I just felt so happy, I didn't know what to say. "Did you decorate your tree yet, make cookies for Santa, yada yada?" I snickered, "Cookies for Santa? That's so childish." He smirked, "Hey, I never know, maybe you still believe in him. Can I come in?" I nodded, blushing in embarrassment as I hadn't noticed I didn't let him in yet. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him, "Nice house...love it." "If it's bad just say it." "No, no, no! It's good, I actually like it. I'm just to distracted is all, my tone was off..." He looked at me with a small mischievous look in his eyes. "So...What first? Cookies, Tree, or you and me?" I blushed a bit. "What do you mean...?" He facepalmed, blushing a bit. "Crap, when I say that I mean like quality time and whatever, like video games, movies, stuff like that! Not... you know..." "Ah, well I think I wanna decorate the tree first, so when we bake the cookies they don't get cold and we can eat them fresh when we do fun stuff." I calmly guided him to my Christmas tree, proudly standing in front of it. "Now to make it have some style!" I pulled out a box of ornaments from the side and rummaged through it, handing Leo some so that he could start adorning the tree with colorful festive accessories. He hummed the tune to "Put your head on my shoulder." as we decorated the tree. I was having a great time already, just Leo's company was enough to keep me in high spirits. After placing the star on the top of my tree, I took out my phone and snapped a picture of it, giving it a look of approval before turning around. Luckily, Leo read my mind and dashed to the kitchen, turning my kitchen inside out for random ingredients and putting them out on the counter. "Sprinkles...marshmallow paste, forgot I had that, wait cinnamon? WHY DO WE NEED CINNAMON... LEO, PUT THAT PINK SALT BACK." I went around following Leo, scolding him about his weird taste in ingredients. "Relax, I'll make one batch for you with my ingredients, another with yours!" "Why're you likes this...." "You know tuna sandwiches with pumpkin chocolate chip cookies inside and mint chocolate ice cream is-" "If you keep talking I'm kicking you out." With that, he stayed quiet and worked on the cookies. When he finished he took it out after baking everything and separated the two batches. I tried one from his batch and it was suspiciously good... I gave him a small glare, "Did you poison this...?" "Huh- where'd you get poison from? Of course not." "It tastes too good to be not poisoned...." He laughed and put away all the stuff he used for the cookies, "Sure my combos are weird but they don't always taste bad." I rolled my eyes and took my plate of cookies, walking over to the living room and setting them on the tea table, grabbing the remote and turning on a marathon for Grinch movies. A few minutes later Leo came in with his cookies, raising his brow at what I picked but not questioning it. He took a seat next to me and sat cross-legged, just enjoying the show. After half and hour of peace and quiet I turned to the side and saw Leo looking at me. I hadn't noticed but he put down his plate and just kept staring at me as if he were thinking. Out of nowhere he then tackled me and tickled me on the couch, I giggled and struggled to get out of his grasp, "Leo! Hahahaha! HEY... LEO YOU-!" The rest of the night was spent finishing the movies, letting Leo braid my hair, and random gossip about people from my neighborhood. I was really starting to love Leo's company, I knew that it would be nice having him around from now on. I knew it was also much better, so much better than being all alone.

Thornless roses/𝓢𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼|𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷| ( ' ∀ ')ノ~ ♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat