Becoming Friends

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Sorry that Angelo's is so short, I didn't have much ideas for him!

Leo: It was six thirty by the time I was awake, the sun was slowly rising and I knew it was time to get up. I got off of my bed and swayed slightly as I walked towards the bathroom, my eyes were a little blurry still so I kept blinking till I could somewhat see. I began washing my face, letting the water wash all of my tiredness away. I was wondering if Leo and I were friends now, 'we never really said we were friends, I considered him one, but did he consider me one? He never really told me if I was his friend or not...' The thought made me worry a little since I wouldn't like the idea of Leo not really considering me as a friend, he was nice company and I was hoping we could stay friends for a while before he left. 'I did just get to spend my days a little less lonelier because of his presence, so I'm grateful. I wouldn't want him to leave, not yet. But...what if he gets bored of me or something?' I was stressing myself out over something I shouldn't worry so much about, he did drop whatever party he was helping with just for me during Christmas Eve, so why wouldn't I be his friend? I calmed myself down and took deep breaths 'Come on Y/N, you just woke up, no more bad thoughts, no more bad vibes today, okay?' I slapped some more water onto my face to fully wake up and brushed my teeth, I didn't really know what I wanted to do today. 'I'm unemployed and my parents pay for all my rent,needs, gifts, or whatever. I'm tired of having to depend on them, maybe I should get a job. They don't ever really even call me and they tell me to never come to their house and visit them. Sheesh, not even my siblings give enough of a crap to at least give me my well needed company.' "I guess I should try to think of getting an application to a university, or a college, or just go straight to getting a job... I don't know." I began talking to myself in the bathroom for a few minutes and ending it when my stomach growled. "I should probably stop talking to myself and go eat some breakfast." I went downstairs and invaded my kitchen, grabbing a box of fruit loops and pouring some into my bowl before I added milk. I took my bowl of cereal to the dining room and sat down, eating it slowly as if it were my last meal. I didn't know why but I felt so tired today, so I wasn't sure if I'd even head out of my house. I got nauseous so I stopped eat my cereal and put it into the sink, running to the bathroom. I threw up all the fruit loops I'd eaten and touched my forehead, it was burning up like crazy. I didn't have any medicine so I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Leo's number, calling him and telling him to come over. I flushed the toilet and washed my face, a little annoyed that I was sick. 'I hate being sick.' Not even five minutes Leo was here already, he came over and asked if I was okay in a panicked voice. "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm sick is all, also how the living fuck do you get here so damn fast?" He chuckled, "Don't worry about it. I'll go head out and buy you some medicine, you want me to make you something?" "Isn't soup like the magic cure for sickness in like all movies and fairytales and stuff? Just make me potato and beef soup or something, or I don't know vegetable soup?" He smiled at me and nodded, "Alright, just rest then, okay?" He turned around and walked out the door, leaving me alone, I heard no car sounds so I assumed he probably walked here, well ran since he got here so fast. I walked on over to my couch and plopped down, taking the remote and turning on The Amazing World Of Gumball. I always liked the show when I first watched it, so it was in a way a comfort show of mine now. As I watched the episode, I played with my nails and moved my feet around. I was kind of bored and even though it was only about a minute or two since Leo left, I was a little disappointed. 'Can't he just run like the Olympics and hurry up? Geez, is being sick making me moody now or something?' When I thought nothing could get any worse one of my nostrils clogged up. "MOTHERFU-" I spent the next fifteen minutes trying to unclog my nostril and get to happily breathe through both and after what felt like forever I finally succeeded. Just as I made my big success Leo finally came back, holding a bag full of groceries and a small one with what I assumed was the medicine. "You're finally back, thank goodness." "Is that The Amazing World Of Gumball?", he said pointing to the TV. "Yeah? What, you gonna judge me?" "Nah, I love that shit." Afterwards he silently went to the kitchen and started making me some soup, but not before ordering me to take the medication he brought for me. I happily obliged and took one, drinking water to swallow it down easier. I watched him chop up the potatoes for a bit before remembering that the TV was still on, so I went back to the living room and continued watching TV, this time changing it to watch some random documentary about Jeffery Dahmer out of boredom. It took Leo about fifty five minutes before he told me he finished making the soup. I turned off the TV, still a little shaken by it as I walked into the dining room and sat down. I didn't have to get the soup myself since Leo already placed it on the table. I smiled as I tasted the soup, "It's delicious!" "I'm glad you like it.", he smiled back at me and watched me eat. By the time I finished eating he was still sitting down across from me waiting for me, my old thoughts from this morning arose so I felt compelled to ask him something. "Hey, Leo, are we friends...? You still want to hang out with me, right?" He stood up silently and covered his mouth as he began laughing a little and grinning widely, then suddenly he rested his face, looking a bit more serious. "Y/N. I'm right here, I cooked you food, I come over here so fast just to check up on you when you need me, and you ask me if we're friends and if I still want to stick around? You've gotta be kidding me Y/N, of course we're friends and I want to stay friends." He sighed, still grinning as he shook his head, taking my empty bowl from me and heading to the kitchen to wash it. I felt a little more relaxed that he proved my silly worries wrong and reassured me. I was feeling a bit better now. 'I'm glad that we're friends.'

Thornless roses/𝓢𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼|𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷| ( ' ∀ ')ノ~ ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora