Chapter Fifty Four: Burn the World

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She stomped her foot as her emotions suddenly overwhelmed her. A powerful wave of magic emanated from the crack on the floor and sent everyone tumbling backwards. Amelia's eyes widened, but she didn't want to miss this chance. She grabbed the fire poker near the fire. It was sharp at the end and the cold iron beneath her fingers was cold.

This would leave a scar on her soul, but saving herself and her friends was priceless. Amelia darted forward, aiming for Benjamin as she went to sink the metal through his heart. She saw the winding of a spell forming to her left and she pivoted at the last moment.

Amelia tightened her grip on the metal and sent the stick through layers of flesh and muscle. She turned it, hearing an agonizing scream cut short. Blood trickled down the end of the iron, making her grip weaken.

"How dare you?" Benjamin's father seethed.

The man's words fell on deaf ears. She could only stare at her father as he sunk to his knees, holding the iron in front of his chest. Amelia had hit his heart and maybe pierced a lung too.

"I-" He coughed out blood, a red smile forming on his deranged features, "I-I always knew you were l-like m-me."

Disgusted and revolted, Amelia ripped out the metal poker and watched as her father hit the floor.


"Lock her up. I don't want to see her until the wedding." Benjamin's father ordered his son and she barely registered the curse sent her way.

Amelia felt the effects of the Cruciatus Curse until she passed out from the pain. She didn't know how long it'd went on. All she knew was that the only thing that kept her sane was him.

A soft smile that shined brighter than the sun.

A warm touch that felt like daylight kissing her skin.

A man who had suddenly become the center of her universe.

Burn the World - Sebastian's POV


Sebastian felt tortuous agony throughout his entire body. He refused to have his screams join that of the students and his first priority was to make sure they were okay. He grunted as the curse wreaked havoc on his body, but he was conscious enough to adjust the wards so that no one except for staff members could enter down this corridor.

It took most of his energy to do so, even just trying to stay conscious. He allowed for his anger to fuel him and let the bloodthirsty nature he kept hidden out, "I'll kill you." Sebastian heard the snarl in his voice, but flinched as another wave of agony registered.

"I'll stop the curse if you promise to be a good boy." The taunt was innocent enough, but something about it felt familiar.

I'll let you come if you promise to be a good boy.

His eyes narrowed. There's no way... It can't be...

The fake Ominis continued after grabbing Amelia's arm, "And you can throw your wand to the ground. You'll have no use for it where we're going."

Amelia appeared as if she was going to fight back, but he was swept up in the pain that increased tenfold. It was echoing through the hall until it stopped without any warning, leaving him gasping for air.

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