Start from the beginning

The first thing Sabrina noticed was how tall the stranger was; she towered over Sabrina almost as much as Jacob did and had long, sleek black hair that hung right down by her hips. Her smooth copper skin was clear and as bold in colour as her striking dark eyes that seemed to permanently glow with anger.

"The hell are you doing out here so late? The park closed hours ago, it's not safe to be out here alone," the woman warned with a seemingly permanent scowl resting on her face.

Sabrina blinked, the sudden rush of adrenaline draining from her system and leaving her hands shaking.

"I was just... brooding...?" Sabrina answered, though it sounded more like a question.

Well, it wasn't exactly a lie...

The woman raised her brow as she slowly approached Sabrina and the younger girl couldn't help but blush with embarrassment as she internally acknowledged how impossibly beautiful the woman was — beautiful in a scary yet exotic way. 

"I know you," the woman said plainly as she looked at Sabrina with a vague sense of familiarity and narrowed her eyes, "Yeah, you're Chief Swan's kid. Uh... Sophia or something?"

Sabrina frowned and her shoulders sagged.

"It's Sabrina actually," she dejectedly tried to correct.

"Yeah, whatever," the woman brushed her off, uninterested but seemingly more relaxed, "I'm Leah. You probably know my dad."

Sabrina's face lit up with recognition.

"You're Harry's daughter!" she exclaimed, rushing up to Leah and pulling her in for a hug.

Leah was so caught of guard that she didn't have time to react as the younger girl — that only managed to stand at a height that was probably just below Leah's shoulder — threw her tiny arms around her and squeezed with an impressive strength for her smaller size and stature.

"It's so great to finally meet you!" Sabrina squealed with delight, pulling away.

Leah simply grunted in reply, taking a step away from the girl that was bouncing on the balls of her feet. Sabrina took her wordless response as a 'good to meet you too' and continued to ramble on excitedly about what great things Leah's dad, Harry, had told her about his daughter.

"But, wait, what are you doing out here so late?" she asked finally, her fast-paced talking ceasing as she waited for an answer.

Leah's eyes were widened with horror. How did this girl have so much energy, it was literally almost midnight?

"Brooding," she shot back at the girl, giving her a look that was clearly telling Sabrina to mind her own business.

Sabrina, being Sabrina, did not exactly pick up on that little social cue and instead proceeded to do what might be considered to be intrusive.

"Is your reason also boy trouble?" Sabrina questioned, plopping down on a near by bench.

Leah sighed tiredly, not wanting to sit down and keep talking to girl but also not willing to leave Sabrina alone at this late hour in case something happened to her. Stupid moral compasses. So, Leah Clearwater reluctantly sat down on the opposite end of the bench to Sabrina, leisurely leaning back into the seat and draping an arm over the back of the backrest.

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