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Sabrina's mind was a dangerous place. That much she knew. Childhood trauma tends to do that to a person. It can turn a place of beauty and wonder into a prison.

But Sabrina Swan didn't want to give in to her mind's tendencies, no matter how tempting they sounded. On occasion, when she simply didn't have the energy to resist, she'd indulge herself with a day or so of self sabotage that would often take weeks to recover from.

But, nevertheless, Sabrina always found a way to persevere, to rise above her own self-destructive tendencies and transcend her suffering.

And the way she chose to do that was by living her life the way she never thought she would be able to. Call it an act of defiance, if you will.

Everyday Sabrina would wake up, have a pleasant conversation with her Uncle Charlie over breakfast before she'd head to school with Bella. She would go out into the world and live a normal, apple-pie life. She'd live the life that everyone told her she'd never be able to live. She'd channel her anger and her trauma into something constructive and create something beautiful out of the impossibly bad hand she'd been dealt.

But then, as the time passed by in one big indecipherable blur, Sabrina realised just how big a role the Cullens had played in her life. They helped her heal, guided her down the path to transcendence by giving her a family and a safe space to be herself without living in fear of ridicule and torture.

And now they were gone. And Sabrina's mind has been left idle.

You know what they say: an idle mind is the devil's playground.

At first, Sabrina didn't know how she was possibly going to manage without the safety and comfort of her friends, the ones she never had to hide anything from. But, if there was anything that the Cullens had taught her, it was how truly strong and capable she was all on her own. And Sabrina was determined not to let her years of growth and healing go to waste. So, she got up everyday and lived each day as best she could. But, more often than not, there's always at least one thing that doesn't go according to plan.

Let me rewind for you. Back to the day the Cullens left.

Sabrina and Benny had said their tearful goodbyes at the Cullens' family house. They watched them drive off to the airport with waves and bright, encouraging smiles that promised the departing family that everything was going to be okay when, in actuality, everything was not.

Sabrina walked home after that. Opting to take the scenic route down the road that lined the woods as music softly filtered through her headphones. She knew the days that lay ahead would not be easy. But she still had Bella and Benny by her side to support her. And she would always be there to support them.

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