A (Not) Happy Day In Hell

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Alastor sat in the swamp half of his room, sitting in silence as he waited for Charlie and Vaggie to return from Heaven. As much as he hated to admit it, he was actually worried about them both. Sure, he and Vaggie were always butting heads, and Charlie was too naive and trusting for her own good, but he'd spent quite a bit of time around the two of them. It made him wonder if they were actually starting to become...friends.

The Radio Demon shook his head, letting out an annoyed sigh, "I'm such a damn fool." He rubbed his forehead, wondering how he grew so soft.

"Don't act so surprised." Said a little voice in the back of his head, "You know why you've been so soft...because of her..."
"Alastor...you will look after her for me, will you not?"

"If it's what you wish me to do, you know I will do everything in my power to watch over and protect her."

That smile...the smile that had Alastor enthralled since the moment he first laid eyes on it...

"You've served me well Alastor. You always do."

"And I will until the day I die once more."

She knew he meant every word.
"Alastor!" Husk slammed the door open to Alastor's room. At first Alastor was going to threaten him for coming into his room in such a way, until he saw the distressed look on Husk's face, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"What is it Husk? It must be serious if you dare to-"

"Cut the shit! Vaggie and Charlie are back..." A dark look passed Husk's eyes, pained almost by the expression he'd seen on Charlie's face, and how ashamed Vaggie seemed, "I-It didn't go well...I've never seen her like this..."

Alastor gripped his cane tightly, a slight crackle of static echoing through the air, "Where's Charlie?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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