Chapter 4

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(Hardin point of view)
It's been a couple of weeks since the last time I've seen Tessa I do regret not getting her phone number I do wanna ask her if she wants to hang out of these days and get to know her more I'm just scared cause of what happened to Jessica what if Tessa cheats on me I would rather die.
Today is Friday 8:30 in the morning today there's no training which I got to sleep in a little bit right now I am on my way to my dads publishing house
Hopefully I see Tessa I know usually my dad gives some employees the day off..
I get take a quick shower and don't eat breakfast because I do wanna stop at Starbucks to get a small and quick breakfast..

(Tessa point of view)
Luckily today I don't work it's my day off but I do have to go to the office to. Get my laptop which I forgot a yesterday my mom called me because emery wasn't taking the bottle so I ask Vance or Kim if i could leave early and they said yes.
Still emery is having a hard time taking the bottle that's the only way she eats when I'm not around so after I shower and get everything ready I texted my bosses and asked him if I could take emery with me to the office which again said yes
Before going to the office I head to Starbucks and get a pink drink with no berries

At the office
Hardin:" Tessa ?"

Tessa:"Hardin hi I didn't expect to see you here "

Hardin:" are you working today?"

Tessa:"no I'm here for my laptop I forgot it yesterday"

Hardin:" I've actually been thinking about you um would you like to go I don't know out to lunch with me you can obviously bring emery"

Tessa:" um sure just to let you know she's a little fussy"

Hardin :" that's okay I totally understand"

(Tessa point of view still )
We give each others number he said he'll text me when it's around 11 or 12 so h can pick us up I'm actually really nervous and excited

Authors note
Let's see how this goes.....
next chapter will be in Hardins point of view
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