Chapter 24

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The morning light shone through the large window, landing directly on my face. My eyes fluttered open as I woke up and tried to squint through the brightness. I stumbled across the room and closed them most of the way, but I kept it open slightly so that I didn't forget it was daytime.

I slowly laid back down and reached to pull the crumpled blanket back over my body, but it was done for me when Gerard extended his arm and covered me almost completely.

"Good morning, love," he greeted, his voice heavy from sleep.

"Hello," I said, smiling as he propped himself over me.

"How'd you sleep?" Gerard asked.

"Amazing," I replied. "It was like cuddling a teddy bear the whole night."

He laughed and kissed my head. "I've been known to have that effect."

"I can see that," I chuckled, rubbing my palms along his gorgeous face. "You certainly look cozy and inviting to me."

"Why, thank you," Gerard replied flirtatiously. "I appreciate the compliment."

He leaned over and gave me a soft kiss, then laid back down beside me so that I could snuggle with him. His arms were around me in seconds, and he pulled me close while placing a kiss on my shoulder.

Even though I wasn't anxious, his presence was immediately soothing, and all I wanted was to stay in the warm bed with him, feeling his heartbeat against my cheek.

"We're never going to leave," I giggled into his chest.

"That's not a problem with me," Gerard smiled, stroking my back with his fingertips. "Besides, we don't have to get to the set until 11, and it's 8 right now, so I don't plan on leaving."

I furrowed my brows. "11? Why does Joel want us in so late?"

"Because Emmy is mainly filming her scenes today," he explained. "He said we could come in earlier if we liked, but I figured you would've been fine with staying here a bit longer, if that's alright."

I relaxed and pressed a kiss to his warm chest. "Why are you so good to me?"

"It's because I love you, Ellie," he whispered into my hair. "You are the universe in which I revolve around."

I chuckled and said, "You're quite the charmer, my Phantom."

"All in the day of a ghost's work, my Angel," Gerard responded. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Me neither," I breathed out as his lips ran along my collarbone. 

My mind could barely register the amount of tenderness that he planted in each touch, kiss, or caress he gave me. His love was almost more than I could handle, but I was alright with that. I had always been focused on my work, but deep down, a part of me had wanted to be loved by someone who could give me the affection I desperately craved for years.

Yet somehow, someway, Gerard Butler had picked me to be his girlfriend. It was like a one-in-a-bazillion chance, but it had happened, and I had hopelessly fallen for him.

Could life get any better?

As if Gerard heard me, he trailed a path of kisses up my neck and sang quietly, "You alone can make my song take flight."

I blushed and rested my forehead on his. "Help me make the music of the night."

He smiled and said, "You have a lovely voice, Ellie. You should sing more often."

"I'm too shy for that," I replied. "I could never get myself to sing out loud, even if it was one person."

"You're singing for me, though," Gerard argued lightly. 

"Yeah, but only because you make me feel less timid," I admitted sheepishly. "Although, there are times when I feel shy in front of you."

He kissed the tip of my nose. "You don't need to be shy around me, love. Just think of me as a normal person."

I snorted and said, "That's kind of hard when you're the object of my affection."

Gerard laughed and pulled me closer to him, letting me cuddle into his chest. "I guess that's fair."

I smirked at his response and said, "I don't think 'I love you' can sum up how I feel about you. I wish there was something more I could say."

Gerard nuzzled his nose on mine and said, "'I love you' is all I need, Ellie, nothing more."

I smiled and embraced him tightly. "Okay. I love you, Gerard Butler."

"I love you more," he replied, kissing my bare shoulder.

I slowly found myself going back down on the bed as he positioned himself over me, connecting our lips in a passionate kiss.

We spent the rest of the time making out and showing how much we loved each other.

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