Episode 3 (part 4)

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Shadwell got off the bus and walked into a cafe that was called 'Best Cafe' with his ledger, ready to meet with Crowley, who was currently sitting at a table reading the daily newspaper as the TV chatter was playing in the background. "Sergeant Shadwell." Crowley greeted him "Mr.Crowley. You're looking well." Shadwell said as he sat down across from Crowley.

"Clean living." "I hear you have a daughter now? How is she?" Shadwell asked him. "Marvelous." "And your father, how is he? You resemble him very much, you know." "So they tell me. Yeah, he's well." Crowley said and Shadwell pulled out the ledger that was in his satchel. "I've prepared the ledger. The men need paying, Your Honour." Shadwell says as he opens the ledger. "It's hard times for Witchfinders in today's degenerate age." "That won't be necessary. Two hundred and fifty pounds. I'll drop the money off for you on Saturday." Crowley told him as Shadwell closed the ledger. "Only in cash, in an envelope. Don't take plastic." Shadwell informed him.

Crowley could careless about how it was delivered and told him sarcastically "You astonish me." "So..." Shadwell started, wanting to know what job Crowley had for him. "There's a village called Tadfield in Oxfordshire. Send your best people down there. I'm looking for a boy. He's about 11. I don't have anything more than that." Crowley told him. When Crowley read the journal, it only gave details of what will happen and where, but not with whomever it was. Crowley suspected that (Y/N)'s friend with the dog, could possibly be the Antichrist, but he had no proof and he simply couldn't just followed them around to see if there was anything strange, so he tried to use the journal that was given to him and luckily enough, it told him what village the Antichrist was in.

"But look for anything.... strange." Crowley told him. Shadwell looked around him to make sure no one was eavesdropping and asks Crowley "This, uh, boy.... he's a witch?" "Possibly. We'll have to find him first, won't we?" "Aye. [Chuckles] Well, my best operative, that would be Witchfinder Lieutenant Table." Shadwell says and puts the ledger away as Crowley got and and started walking away "Call me if you find anything." Crowley said as Shadwell listed the Witchfinders he had, that were animate objects and spices for cooking.

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"All my family have had occult powers, going all the way back." Anathema said, explaining her occult heritage and sets a pitcher full of freshly made lemonade on the table that Adam and (Y/N) were sitting at. "We can find let lines." "Right. What's let lines?" Adam asked her. "They're Invisible lines of force linking places of power." (Y/N) answered for Anathema. "Yes, that's correct. How did you know about that?" Anathema asked her as she sat across from the two 11 year old kids.

"My Pater has a bookshop and sometimes I pick random books to read when there's nothing else to do. I read about ley lines in one of the books on the shelves there." (Y/N) answered. "Amazing there being all these invisible lines of force around and me and (Y/N not seeing them." Adam said as Anathema pours them two glasses of lemonade.

"We can see auras." Anathema told them "And they are?" Adam asked again. Anathema looked at (Y/N) and could tell that she knew what they are and nodded to her to tell him. " They're a type of colored forcefield that surrounds a person and the colors described a person by who they are and how they're currently feeling." (Y/N) said to him and Anathema nodded.

"Everyone's got one." Anathema told him. "And I can look at it's strengths and colour and how you're feeling like (Y/N) said." "That's brilliant! Why don't they teach us about them at school?" Adam asked her as (Y/N) agreed with Adam's question. "Because school is a repressive tool of the state." Anathema answered.

"So, what colour's mine and Adams aura then?" (Y/N) asked and Anathema focused on (Y/N)'s aura and sees her aura is a rainbow with a hint of gold in it. "That's odd and very rare." "What is it?" (Y/N) asked. "You have an rainbow aura and it's very rare especially if there's gold in it." Anathema explained. "What does it mean?" Adam asked her. "Well, the rainbow means she's passionate, open to everyone and everything, she's very understanding, thoughtful and kind and imaginative like you Adam." "But what about the gold part?" (Y/N) asked her.

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