Chapter 35: Vials and Vases

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"You know what?" You pushed your face off the sand, brushing off an ember off your shoulder as the hoverbike caught on fire. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but..."

"You just might be even worse at driving than me." You glared at the unfazed scholar, wiping off sand from your cheek. You spoke for both yourself and MK at the moment, who was too busy puking out sand after the crash landing.

"Like I said. I know how to fly. Anyway..." Tang dusted himself as he stood up, already off to step deeper into the forest. "I presume it's this way?"

Despite Tang already off to find the waterfall, you first looked at MK. Said Monkie Kid was struggling to get up, only doing so after taking your hand. "Mind filling me in with some context about why there's a giant dumpling in the sky?"

MK laughed nervously. "It's a funny story, really..."

It was not a funny story.

The two of you spent the next minutes venturing into the island with MK filling you up on the situation. Long story short, Monkey King apparently got into a food fight with some friends in the Celestial Realm... at least, that's what you would've believed if not for the conversation he had with the nine-tailed lady.

Truth be told, you might've lied to Stain when you said you could access other passengers' memories through visions. Dreams? Sure. But the only instance of you receiving a vision while awake...

Was when you were playing that piano at Mei's place.

"You know, I get why you took Tang with us, since he knows his stuff. We are looking for a weapon to stop the dumpling after all." You shrugged, occasionally hearing leaves crunch under your shoes. "But why me? This is usually an adventure for you and Mei, and I've just been here in the mountain some days ago."

"Yeah, but Tang told me to bring you along." MK scratched his head in confusion, momentarily dodging a pair of monkeys passing by. "I still don't know why, I haven't asked him yet. Was he uhh, like this? When you were helping him out at the museum?"

"At first." You admitted while hiding your sweat, knowing you're both too far for the scholar to hear you. "Are you sure Mei isn't mad about this? I don't wanna go back to find her about to chomp my head off."

"Eheh- she's more mad about me bringing Tang than you." He assured you, before slouching in defeat. "And...I'm starting to see why."

You shrugged, resuming your walk. "You tell him, not me."

MK sighed, and ran to catch up with Tang. Eventually, the both of you were trailing behind him. MK was now right behind the scholar, while you were a bit farther behind. "You know, I'm starting to think- maybe I should've brought Mei." 

"Oh psssh! Don't be silly!" Tang waved off. "Who else would know the difference between the legendary trishula and your average nine dragon trident?" He laughed with autistic pride before pointing at the tired duo of teens. "Come now! Onwards to the peak of Mount Huaguo!"

"That's where Monkey King's cave is, by the way." Tang added, before laughing. MK sighed again, this time with you patting his back. The walk continued, with MK carrying Tang after he got the bottom of the steps.

All three of you eventually made it on top, the waterfall only some stepping stones away. You heard a loud rustle from some of the trees, but just thought of it as being one of the monkeys here. Tang went first, hopping from one stone to another while being careful of not slipping. Next was MK, just as careful with the slippery moss on the stones. 

You on the other hand, were just walking on the water with your hands in your pockets. As much as you wanted to tell the other two that your powers will let them do the same, you wanted to see their faces when they realize for themselves.

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