Chapter 5: Expired Chips

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"I dunno, Sandy..." Pigsy voiced from his shop, phone beside his ear. "Closest I've gotten to findin' anyone with her name is a kid who was involved in a sinking incident close to a century ago."

Only half-listening at the phone call, you watched the contents of your bowl of noodles, floating while your reflection in the broth stared back. Beside you was Tang, gleefully eating the strands of his own bowl, seemingly disinterested at what the television in front of you was playing.

"I mean, you did say Mei found her washed up at the beach, right?" Sandy called back from his laundry room, not exactly knowing that speaker mode can be turned off. "And it did take a lot of convincing to get her to board."

And he was right. Until now, you still felt uncomfortable at the constant rocking of the blue man's home, who you now knew as Sandy. You watched as the noodle broth rocked in tandem to the ship you were in. And if one reason wasn't enough, the television displayed your second.

"Yeah, but...what are the chances?"

A footage of your silhouette obscured by the black waters and golden seafoam, which you had difficulty recognizing, due to the phantom gibbon blocking your view from the screen, who was annoyed at not being able to pet the numerous cats here. At least you weren't recognizable. By now, you can safely say you didn't have the best relationship with the sea.

"Think about it. The chances of MK beating that bull man was slim itself..."

The news anchor then redirected the viewers to another footage. One of MK emerging from DBK's armor, and another of the former creating a mech like what he and Mei told you about, during your first bowl of food for who knows how long.

"But it happened..."

With Sandy making his point, you continued to stare at your food. Out of curiosity, you lazily lifted one or two fingers, your focus on the broth...

Only for nothing to happen.

"You know, if you don't want those noodles, you can just give it to me."

You looked at Tang, who already finished his. He eyed your untouched bowl, your empty cup of tea beside it.

"Better than let it go cold." He added. You shrugged and pushed it to his direction. Oddly enough, he was surprised at your sudden compliance.

"Are you...sure you don't want any?" He asked, confused. "You didn't eat your noodles yesterday either, but Mei told me she caught you microwaving them last night."

"It's fine, just take it." You insisted, only for Tang to push the bowl back.

"Just one bite? Trust me, these noodles are best when they're still fresh."

You pushed the bowl back. "Seriously, you can just take it."

Only for him to do the same. "I'm not until you take at least one bite."

Your tired eye twitched, before looking at the bowl in front of you. Having no clue on what you're doing, you shakily held the chopsticks in your hand. Tang watched as you struggled to pick up even a single strand, each slipping away from the chopsticks, testing your patience more and more.

"Do you...know how to use chopsticks?"

"Why does it matter?" You uttered in irritation, stubbornly trying to grab at least one strand. As you were about to make another attempt, Tang grabbed your chopsticks and clacked them in front of you.

"How about I teach you?"

While that happened, Mei watched as MK wielded his staff, spinning it around while he recounted how he found the staff.

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