Chapter 24: Warrior Mountain

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The silhouette casted a shadow as it leapt passed you. Mei squinted her eyes.

"Is that...?"

"Monkey King!" MK exclaimed.

Your eyes followed the mysterious figure with curious eyes. You haven't seen the actual Monkey King himself before, so this might be a first.

But with all the merch MK owned, you assumed that his fur was ginger and You would've chalked it up to misinterpretations of the guy that people formed over the years, but the look of suspicion Gibby was shooting at the figure told another story.

The monkey casted a dark spiked cudgel from the shadows with a smirk, spinning it around and causing the air to spiral around him. Not too different from how the wind picked up every time Iron Fan vanished.

The gusts of wind grew into a purple vortex, until the monkey soon directed it at the smoke monster. The vortex roared as it swallowed the thing completely, causing it to dissipate as its smoke mixed into the spiraling wind. The gusts soon died down, leaving a small purple cloud to fly off.

You and Mei shared a look. She hesitantly slung her blade back on, albeit still gripping on the handle. Similarly, you weren't willing to let go of your flutes just yet. "I-uhh, guess the problem handled itself? Sorry for calling you for no reason."

 You didn't even had the time to be annoyed, already walking near one of the craters. "It's fine. Let me just-"

You puked into the crater, leaving the rest stunned. Maybe hoverboarding after eating all that street food was a bad idea. You felt someone rub your back, before seeing Sandy walk from behind.

"Do you still feel sick?" He asked, concern in his face and a green hue on yours. "I could make you some ginger tea if you want. Maybe honey lemon?"

"I-I'd like that..." You muttered. Yeah, you'd think with how tolerant you were from sea sickness, living in a boat and all, you would've been more resistant to nausea. Guess not. You swore you heard Mei 'aww', but chose to ignore it.

Lily wasn't as unlucky with nausea, thankfully. Maybe a bit of bile raised from her throat, but nothing a quick, although disgusting swallow couldn't fix. She didn't exactly know what else to do, not exactly being familiar with how this hero stuff worked. She looked around for anything that can help, but found Mo grooming himself with one leg up.

All her attention immediately went to him as she crouched down to pet the mohawk wearing cat giddily. She didn't notice Gibby approaching her curiously, seemingly not recognizing the noirette under her cat-themed mask.

"I'll make you some noodles to refill your stomach then." Pigsy huffed with crossed arms, just glad that the smoke monster situation's over. 

He could already hear Tang asking for a free bowl of noodles for 'looking after the shop while they're gone.' Which is basically Tang speak for 'You guys handle the monster while I hide'. 

Monkey King or whoever that was can wait. Pigsy needed to check on the freeloader first. He turned to get everyone else's attention "Alright everyone, back inside. MK, you too-...MK?"

The Monkie Kid has long left before any of you could notice, only appearing in your line of sight again as he was getting down from the same building the dark-furred monkey was. 

"Sorry 'bout that!" He then caught up to where you all were. "I was just talking with Macaque, and- Eugh!" He winced, close to tripping into the puke-containing crater.

"Macaque?" Sandy repeated, still rubbing your back. "So that wasn't Monkey King?"

"Nope, different person."

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