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{Haven't updated this is a while. Oops?
Lemme know what you guys wanna read and what you guys are thinking. Check out my one shots. I'll be adding more soon so yay.
Anyway on with the story now}


Levy allowed Gajeel to push her down the hallway but it didn't stop her from asking a million and one questions.

"Why is Jet here?"

"Answer me."

"I'm not gonna do anything but bother you with these questions."

"Answer me."

Gajeel groaned and pushed her into the bathroom closing the door with a loud slam.

"Take a shower and get dressed. You've got a half an hour before I come in there after you."

Levy quickly scrambled to lock the door in place. Gajeel heard the click of the lock and couldn't help but smirk.

"If you think that will keep me out your sorely mistaken. Be a second over 30 minutes and I'm coming in." He looked down at his watch with a smirk. "Make that 28 minutes now."

There was a gasp from behind the door and then a scramble. The water turned on and he nodded at the sound.


Levy gasped and scrambled to strip from her clothes, stepping into the shower. The water running over her skin and ridding her of the smell of sweat.

It felt so good an warm that she hadn't realized it had already been twenty minutes. There was a pound on the door and she jumped slightly.

"Five minutes shrimp."

Levy puffed out her cheeks in annoyance quickly washing her skin and stepping out of the shower. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her before reaching for another to dry her hair. The maid outfit that she was supposed to wear was hanging on the towel rack.

Looking at the outfit, it seemed a little cute but not for her. It wasn't appropriate. Especially not for a princess.


Gajeel stood outside the door tapping his foot and looking at his watch. It had been almost a half an hour and he wasn't gonna be patient.

After waiting a few more moments, he gripped the doorknob, bracing his shoulder against the door and pushing until the door snapped under his weight.

Levy looked at him in mixture of surprise and disgust. The towel still wrapped around her waist as she was drying her hair with her fingers.

"God. Can you give a girl two seconds?" She growled in agitation at the male who was towering above her.

Gajeel chuckled softly looking down at the girl who held her towel tightly in her hands against her chest.

"I did tell you that you had 30 minutes." He shrugged obviously thinking that nothing was wrong. "At least your clothed."

Levy muttered softly to herself pulling the towel a little tighter around her small frame. "Yeah well get out so I can get dressed."

Gajeel's mouth opened to let out another snarky comment but was quickly cut off by Levy's look of hatred and anger. "I said get out." She growled placing a hand to his chest and pushing him backwards as forcefully as she could.

A soft Gihi escaped the males lips as he was barely moved by the girls force.

An angry noise slipped from the girls force as she yelled loudly.

"Solid script wind."

The word wind appeared in front of him and he was pushed back slightly. His knees clenched together and his arms crossed in front of his face to brace himself.

Levy stood looking at him, her hands balled into fists at her sides. She was expecting him to be surprised or something. Anything other than that cocky smirk on his face.

"So the shrimps got magic huh? You wanna see magic. I'll show you real magic."

Before Levy could even move Gajeel was upon her. His hand, which was once normal, was now a sword made out of iron. The girl pushed herself against the wall as far as she could. Gajeels arm still pressing against her throat.

"Your magic is nothing. It is weak like you." He snarled softly looking at her before pulling away quickly. "Now get dressed." He growled angrily stomping out of the room. The door was still hanging half broken but she still felt like she had a little bit of privacy.


A few minutes later, Levy stepped out the bathroom door in the ridiculous outfit that she had been given. It was terribly short and didn't make her feel comfortable at all. Although it did do a number of great any things for her figure. Her ass looked even bigger than it already was and the corset lifted her breasts to make them look fuller. Overall the entire outfit looked good but made her feel uncomfortable.

She looked over at Gajeel in anger, who merely looked amused at both her anger and the outfit.

"Well I think I chose a fitting outfit for you didn't I shrimp?" He chuckled softly to himself. Levy crossed her arms and pouted softly in anger at his laughter.

"It isn't funny." She muttered angrily before he grabbed her arm and pulled her forward down the hall. "Be prepared." He mumbled with a all smirk as he pushed open two grand doors that had to be at least twenty feet tall.

Levy looked around the room in amazement at the architecture of the room. It was amazing. What has been expected to be a dark and dangerous room was full of light and beauty. Everything in the room was carefully made. It had to have been done in the earlier centuries of the kingdom due to the exceptional design. Everything was perfectly centered and none of the rocks and bricks had a single flaw that she could see.

Gajeel didn't allow her to think for long before she was pulled down to her knees. "Father." Gajeel mumbled looking down at the floor as he bent down on one knee. "I have brought you the princess of the Heartfilia kingdom. Lucy Heartfilia."

Braun and Brains. (Gale fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now