Chapter 19

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Skylar woke up in the hospital, her heart monitor steady as her eyes opened. She groaned a bit, shifting as she sat up. "Holy shit..." she whispered, rubbing her face. Skylar reached back and touched the braids that kept her hair out of her face.

"I hope you don't mind," A nurse walked in, pulling the curtain as she walked in. "We didn't want your hair in the way so I braided it back," she smiled softly. "How are you feeling Skylar?" she asked, walking over as she looked at her vitals.

Skylar felt like she just got shot but she didn't say that. She knew she was fine, she was in the hospital and her dads were most likely on their way to make sure she was okay. She wasn't worried about herself, her mind drifted off to her best friends. To wherever they were and what they had against them.

"I need to talk to the police," Skylar spoke up, clenching her jaw.

Oakley hadn't felt her heartbeat in her muscles since she was a child, since she was here and forced into it. She crumpled onto the ground after a fist collided with her face. She spat blood onto the floor, blood dribbling down her chin.

"Again," Lyra rolled her eyes, taking notes. She was disappointed. "I should have never taken you out of her during the blip. You've gotten sloppy," she sneered.

Oakley huffed and stumbled onto her feet. Her knuckles were already raw. She heard her mother scoff as she stalked around her.

"Did you not hear what I just said," Lyra sneered, her words hissing like she was a snake. "Again." she snapped as she pushed a rolling table over to her. Oakley rolled out of the way before it slammed into the wall and collapsed onto the floor. Her eyes widened, knives and other hand weapons.

Out of all the weapons, one caught her eye, A handle poked out of the pile and a blue hue cascaded among those around it. She reached for it with her hand before she felt a hand wrap around her ankle and pulled.

Oakley cried out as she was yanked away from the mess and pulled back into combat. Her blocking became better and after rolling back onto her feet, she landed a few punches. She swung her foot and knocked a soldier out.

Lyra watched and then clapped slowly, her hands slapping together as her daughter spat blood onto the floor. "Well done." she smiled. "Now I want to see something," she announced.

The doors behind her opened and Alex walked in being escorted by two agents on either side. Oakley watched, her brows furrowing as she backed up to the weapons on the floor.

"I want to see how you beat him," Lyra said. "He's a foot taller than you and easily pinned you down. I want to see how you did it," she shrugged.

Oakley looked between Alex and Lyra, her mother's face full of pride and the boy beside her full of fear. He tried to mask it with pride, but shame was contorting his features. "I'm not doing this," she shook her head. "I'm not entertaining this idea that my trauma is a show to you," she scoffed, her face tense. "Do you have any idea what it's like-"

"God you're so dramatic." Lyra snapped. "Of course I have. Almost every woman has, no matter where in the galaxy they are. It's no difference where you are. It's going to happen." she exclaimed, stalking around Oakley. Oakley followed her mother's stance and knew what was going to come out of her mouth as she got behind her. "You just have to decide if you're the one doing the deed or the one being held down," she whispered in her ear and shoved her forward.

Oakley stumbled into Alex's chest and he caught her, his hands grabbing her arms. Every nerve in Oakley's body went on alert and she shoved him off, her eyes glowing blue. She felt a few points in his body that vibrated, specifically a few points in his knee. She furrowed her brows, anger taking control as blue warped energy moved around her fingers and trapped Alex's leg in her grasp. She watched him begin to panic, almost as if she had her hands around his throat.

"O-oakley I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I don't know what came over me I never wanted-" He rambled, stumbling over his words as he tried to move away from her.

"Do you know what it was like?" Oakley asked, grinding through her teeth. "I thought, I truly thought you liked me," she scoffed.

"I-I did, I still do," Alex admitted. "I-I was drunk I didn't know-"

Oakley snapped her wrist and the metal in his knee snapped out, his screams echoing around them. "You did know!" she screamed, lifting her hand. "Y-you pushed me into a false sense of being fucking safe!" she screeched, the metal screws now floating around her hand suspended in mid-air. She watched Alex collapse onto the ground, wailing as blood pooled around his leg. "I-I wanted to die," she admitted, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I want you to die," she hissed. She moved her hands again, just about to strike when a hand wrapped around her wrist and snapped her out of her fury. Oakley's eyes widened as she looked back at her mother.

"Now they see you as you are," Lyra said. Oakley shook her head, the realization settling in. She did this, she didn't have anyone pushing her to she just- She yelped as a sharp sensation crept from her neck and the world went dark. 

WICKED ONES - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now