Chapter 15

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Oakley wandered around Bucky's apartment. He was out just grabbing something for the two of them to eat. She knew it was a bit odd to be at his apartment. God if her mom found out she was here, she would get more then a broken nose.

She glanced at the sofa, seeing a blanket on the ground clumped up in a ball. Oakley's brows furrowed as she walked over and picked it up. She folded it up and placed it on the armchair before picking up the pillow that was alongside it.

Oakley turned around and walked down the hall towards the bathroom. Her hip bumped the side table and the papers that rested on top met the floor. She spun around and dropped down to collect them back into a neat stack.

As she put the papers back into their files, curiosity wrapped around her and pulled her into the text. She pulled a paper from the stack and read over the report. Her stomach dropped as she read her and her brothers names sprawled out in ink. She furrowed her brows and shook her head, grabbing the next paper in sequence. Oakley sat on the floor for who knows how long, rereading the reports.

The front door opened and closed. Bucky stood in the entryway, his eyes wide as he stared at his daughter with her file in her hands. "Oakley..." he whispered. Her head snapped up towards him, her eyes filling with tears as she got up.

"W-what is this." She studdered, gripping onto the file tight. "Is this... is this the only reason yu agreed to the interview... c-coming to my school?" she asked, walking up to him. The realisation smacked her across the face. "Does Peter know." she whispered, tears falling.

"Don't be mad at him, okay he was just trying to help-" Bucky tried to speak but she snapped.

"Dont." Oakley snarled, her hand shaking as she pointed up at him. "He knew, and you knew this whole time. This whole time you knew!" she cried out. "I-I knew something was going on but I thought.. I thought I was trying to make up for the father I didnt have- my brother tried to tell me thats what it was," she exhaled, tears rolling down her cheeks. "But this whole time you knew..." she whispered, her voice cracking.

"Oakley, I didnt tell you because I was scared too. If this got back to..." he trailed off, pursing his lips.

"My mother..." she huffed. She kept hold of the files as she turned and grabbed her backpack. Oakley shoved them in before zipping it up. "I'm keeping these, they are mine. After all." she said.

Bucky placed the to-go bags on the counter as he shook his head. "You can't take those Oakley, this will get more complicated than it is. Please, just let me explain," he begged, blocking the door.

Oakley glared at him, her jaw clenched as she wiped her cheeks. "I don't want to hear your side right now," she said bluntly. "I need to go home and process this, I-f.. if I wanna hear your side of this... I'll find you." she muttered.

Bucky watched her slip past him and walk out the door. He didnt stop her, he didnt stop as the tears fell and he collapsed onto the floor. He leaned his back against the wall as he sobbed. His chest heaved, his hand gripping onto his shirt. Bucky didnt remember when he grabbed his phone and dialed Sam's number. He didnt remember dialling Wanda's number but realized he did when both of them arrived.

Oakley spent days rereading the files she took from Bucky, the truth she held in her hands and kept hidden from her mother... and her brother.

During dinners she stayed silent, watching as her mother bother her and Jamie about their lives. She couldnt bring herself to speak to her, knowing why she was so cruel to them and why her childhood was in splinters. She couldnt remember what happened then... only what came to her while she was asleep.

At school, she stayed glued to Skylar's side and avoided Peter at all costs. She couldnt face it, the truth he kept from her. For once, Skylar didnt pry for answers.

The two sat outside, a quiet understanding rippling between them as Skylar munched down on a sandwich. Oakley scrolled on her laptop.

"Hey uh, can I ask you something?" Skylar asked, shoving some lettuce in her mouth. "You've been off for the past few days," she started.

Oakley rolled her eyes, looking up from her laptop. If her best friend could see her search history, she would definitely be concerned. "You didnt wait for me to answer but continue," she exhaled.

"Okay okay," Skylar stood up and exhaled. "All this shit has happened, first what happened with Alex. then you show up with a broken fucked up nose that makes you look as fucked up as you are in your head and now," she paused, taking a breathe. "Now you're not talking to Peter which should be setting off alarms everywhere in the city." Skylar sat down infront of her and gulped. "What's going on..." she asked softly.

Oakley looked at her and almost spilled everything. Her mouth opened but she closed it back up tightly. She looked around and watched as the football team flooded onto the field. Oakley gulped and hesitantly looked back at Skylar who waited paciently.

A few more moments passed before Oakley spoke again. "You wanna come over later tonight? I'll explain everything," 

WICKED ONES - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now