Chapter 21: Fun with the Girls

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I checked my outfit again, would it be considered ‘naughty’? I was wearing my black lace underwear, with a red halter top maxi dress on top – just so I could get to the room without ‘showing off’. I got my simple black stilettos before looking at myself one last time. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door, heading for room 216. I was ready.

When I reached the door, I could hear giggling and laughing from inside. When I knocked it all died down. Within seconds I was pulled into the dark room, where I could faintly make out the outlines of the figures surrounding me.

The lights switched on and standing before me was the one and only Adriana Lima. “Tada.”

“Should have known you were the one that thought of naughty.” She laughed. I looked around to see who else was there. There was Miranda, Lily, Alessandra, Candice, Behati, Erin and Doutzen, we were all here.

“Now come on, show us the show stopper of Ms Naughty.” Erin insisted.

“If you say so.” I chuckled before unzipping the maxi dress, revealing my black lace underwear.

I received a small round of applause from the eight girls. “Not to shabby.” Lily joked.

“Why thank you.” I said, giving a small bow.

We gathered around on the mattress, forming a small circle. As we sat down, I took notice of what the others were wearing.

Adriana was in her cheetah printed ensemble, Miranda was in her white laced teddy, Lily was in her dark purple underwear with a light lace trim, Alessandra was in her pure white push up, Candice was in her hot  red bow bustier, Behati was in her pink floral bustier, Erin was in her red satin garter slip and Doutzen was in her black rhinestoned push up sling with a pink underlay.

“So.” Miranda began. “Are they on their way?”

Adriana showed an evil smile. “They should be here any minute.”

We all joined her with our devilish grins. Every year, as part of our get together, we always ordered room service. The fun part of it was we always asked for a new boy, the ones that were usually skittish and antsy. So as our joke, we make him feel really uncomfortable by seducing him. Their reactions were priceless.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Accompanied with a “Room service” the boy’s voice cracked – this was going to be fun.

We all pulled out our most seductive expressions and body positions, which was so easy it should have been criminal, while Candice went to go fetch the door.

She took one last breath, before popping her head out the door. This ensured that the boy couldn’t see us and only the girls head.

“Yes.” Candice said.

“Did you order room service ma’am?”

“Mhm.” She hummed.

“Can I come in?” Candice nodded, and allowed the door to gape open, showing off her outfit. At first the waiter couldn’t stop staring, his mouth fell to the ground.

“Are you coming in or what?” Candice said, turning her back to him, moving her hips that little bit extra.

“Oh yes, sorry.”

Candice moved her head over her shoulder. The waiter’s eyes were still in a complete daze. She edged closer to him. “What’s your name, Mr Man?”

He gulped. “Je-remy.” He stuttered.

“Jeremy.” Candice said, playing with his hair. “Well Jeremy do you think you could take that food into the bedroom for me, and get out of this stuffy lounge.”

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